Cranberries are sour swamp berries.Its composition is rich in vitamins, minerals, pectin, tannins (organic flavors), antioxidants (elements that slow down the oxidation process and prevent the rapid aging of the body), essential oils, as well as acids of organic origin. With such a set of useful components, is it possible to use cranberries during pregnancy - a question that often worries women who are expecting a baby.
Generally speaking, the berry is mainlyIt has a beneficial effect on the body of the future mother. But it is necessary to understand that the use of cranberries during pregnancy should be limited. In addition, among women in the situation, there is a certain risk group, which is desirable to exclude this berry from its daily diet or use it in limited quantities.

What is the use of berries?
The use of cranberry products during pregnancy has a positive effect on:
- The general state of the nervous system. In particular, the components of the berries normalize the sleep and mood of a pregnant woman, reduce the level of nervousness in the postpartum period.
- The state of the organs and systems of the female body (cardiovascular, urogenital, digestive).
The main benefits of cranberries during pregnancy are as follows:
- Prevention of viral colds and otherinfectious diseases during pregnancy. The high content of vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to use this berry in the period of epidemics of diseases, as well as in the winter-spring period, during beriberi.
- Proper fetal development.Vitamin B9 and folic acid help improve the blood circulation of the embryo and the maternal organism. Such components are important not only during pregnancy in the early stages, cranberries are useful in any period of gestation, since sufficient saturation of the mother's body with oxygen significantly reduces the risk of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.
- Prevention and treatment of urinary infectionsfemale body systems. Cranberries successfully prevent the retention of pathogenic bacteria on the walls of the stomach and bladder; therefore, cranberry drinks are recommended as prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and diseases of the excretory system, in particular, for the prevention and treatment of cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis.
- Normalization of blood pressure during pregnancy. Cranberries have the ability to reduce pressure, which is especially important for expectant mothers suffering from hypertension.

Who should not get involved in the berry?
As with any drug, cranberry has several limitations in its use. The most prominent contraindications for adding cranberries to the diet are the following diseases of a pregnant woman:
- The acute course of diseases of the digestive system, in particular ulcers, colitis, gastritis.
- Increased acidity of gastric juice inpregnant woman’s body. In such cases, a berry saturated with organic acids will irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs.
- Low pressure.Cranberries have tonic properties, so it is preferable to exclude or limit the consumption of this product to pregnant women suffering from low blood pressure.
- Intolerance components of the berries. Individual negative reactions of the body to taking cranberries (allergies, sudden upset stomach) are the reason for refusing to consume this product.

In addition, the abuse of berries in individualcases can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus and a decrease in the blood clotting rate, therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor before use. You should not experiment with the use of vitamins.
Different actions on different dates
The onset of pregnancy is often accompanied bysome set of new, often unpleasant sensations for women. Due to its properties, cranberry during pregnancy in the early stages can alleviate the acute symptoms of toxicosis, improve the general well-being and mood of the future mother.
Despite the benefits and beneficial effectsmost of the organs and systems, the consumption of berries and various cranberry drinks should be limited, since excessive consumption of this product can provoke a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) due to increased uterine tone. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from consuming large amounts of this product in the early stages of gestation.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, cranberry juice, rich in vitamins and minerals, replenishes the future mother's body with a deficiency of iron and calcium.
In the later period of pregnancy componentscranberries contribute to the normalization of blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and oxygenation of the blood, removing puffiness and preventing the formation of varicose veins. Such an action is useful not only for a woman, but also for an unborn child.
In order to avoid an undesirable effect from the use of cranberries during pregnancy, the daily amount of consumed product should be controlled:
- in the early stages, the allowable consumption rate ranges from one to two glasses of fruit drinks during the day;
- from the second trimester of pregnancy and at a later date, the daily rate can be up to one liter of cranberry drink per day.
How to use cranberries for prevention and treatment during pregnancy?
Berries can be added to the diet in any form.For example, make juice or jelly, squeeze juice from a berry, use it in its natural form with added sugar (individually to taste), add to tea or make an infusion.
Cold recipe
In the period of colds cranberries - an indispensable tool instrengthening weakened immunity. For greater effect, you can combine cranberries with other useful products, such as honey or other vitamin berries.
As a means of prevention and treatmentviral infections, you can use the following mixture: berries of cranberries and lingonberries (about fifty grams), combined with two teaspoons of honey. Berries must be ground manually or using a blender and mixed with honey. Take the composition of a tablespoon three times a day.

Cranberries from edema during pregnancy
Often, future mothers have manifestationspreeclampsia (complications, accompanied by increased pressure and the appearance of edema). The use of special cranberry decoction reduces the risk of such complications, normalizes the kidneys and reduces pressure.
Приготовить такой отвар можно следующим способом:Crush a hundred grams of cranberry berries until the juice is extracted, sprinkle with a tablespoon of sugar and leave for a quarter of an hour. After that, pour the resulting mixture with half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Reduce the gas and cook for five minutes. Cover the finished broth and insist (about twenty minutes).
The diuretic prepared in this way is taken before meals by one fourth cup. The daily dose of such funds can reach two glasses.
For the treatment of cystitis
Infusion, cooked on the basis of cranberries,helps to eliminate inflammation of the urinary system, reduce pain when urinating, and normalize urinary excretion.
Для приготовления настоя из клюквы необходимо Crush two hundred grams of well-washed berries until juice appears and mix with a tablespoon of sugar. Put the mixture in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. Before use, the mixture must be infused for several hours.
Cranberry infusion during pregnancy is taken half a glass twenty minutes before meals.

To restore the protective system of the body of the future mother
Marsh berry - a storehouse of vitamins and manynutrients for the body not only pregnant women, but also people with weakened immune systems. Therefore, taking cranberry-based products is useful for improving the general condition, for example, in the form of cranberry juice.
Summing up the above, the question of whether a cranberry can be during pregnancy can be given a definite answer: it’s not just possible, but necessary.

The main thing is that the use of this useful berries was in moderation. If there are certain complications and diseases before use, a woman should definitely consult with a doctor.