The modern world is inconceivable without domesticelectrical appliances. They are in every house and in every family. The child from the first days in one way or another watches their action. First, the baby follows the bulb, swings in the electrolyte, drinks milk from a bottle heated in an electric heater, and so on. Growing up, the kid begins to be interested and, if possible, to master the technique that surrounds him. At the same time, parents need to gently but convincingly introduce the child to safety technology and the features of the instruments. In the game form, this usually happens easily and painlessly. Puzzles about electrical appliances are well suited for fixing knowledge.
Than good riddles
Methods of interaction with the child are sufficienta lot of. It is very important to teach your child to think, communicate, reason and discuss. Riddles train observation, imaginative thinking, increase vocabulary. Children's riddles about electrical appliances are different - in verse or prose, and each about a specific subject. In it, without naming the device itself, it tells about its functions, features. Riddles about electrical appliances make the child think, begin to compare, analyze their knowledge and previous experience.
What you should pay attention to
It is important that the puzzles that are asked of the child,were about the devices he knew. It is better that the kid has already encountered them in action. For example, I saw my mother dry her hair, how the vacuum cleaner draws dust, how her dad works with a drill, and her grandmother turns on the kettle. You can find riddles about electrical appliances for preschool children in special books or methodologies. If desired, they can be compiled independently, involving the child and other relatives. To guess the riddle about the device that is unfamiliar to the child, or about which he knows only by hearsay, is not entirely correct. It will be difficult for the kid to guess what he is talking about, he can be upset and stop loving this kind of game.
If the child does not like riddles
Not all children love riddles.Most often, parents or other adults who are asking too complicated questions are to blame. Or ask about the subject before explaining and showing. The riddle should be about the familiar things that the child saw and touched. For example, such a riddle about electrical appliances for children: "It will stitch up a new skirt like a machine gun" - it will not cause them difficulties if your mother often sews on a sewing machine.
To instill in your child a love of puzzles, it is worthfocus on its level of development and vocabulary. As soon as the baby starts to work, you need to actively rejoice at his success, praise and focus on this. Thus, the situation of success is fixed, and the child will be able to react positively to riddles both at home and in the circle of peers.
About electricity and household changes
First, the toddler in an accessible form needs to tellabout everything that surrounds him at home, including about electricity. Realizing the properties and features of the work of electrical appliances, the child will be able to avoid injuries. He must understand that the current is dangerous and games with rosettes do not lead to good. Riddles about electrical appliances can help to consolidate knowledge and form a full-fledged image of a technical subject. If the child is difficult to formulate what function the device performs, it is worth telling him short poems or making riddles about electrical appliances. For example: "He is the only one in the world, very glad he meets dust! Who is he? "(Hoover). Well, if the puzzles are imaginative, with a clear child comparison:
"What is that over there in the box?"
In the house everyone has one,
He will tell all the news himself
And the movie will show for us! "(TV)
In this case, the TV is compared to the box.For modern flat models, this analogy is no longer suitable, it is also worth paying attention to. The child needs to explain that earlier the instruments were different, for example, the phone had a wire and large buttons. The baby can show old appliances, which are kept by grandmothers. If there are no real models, photos and pictures will do.
When are the riddles appropriate?
In addition to the fact that they develop memory and figurativethinking, riddles are good in that you can play them anywhere. A boring trip, a queue in a shop or a walk in the fresh air is perfectly complemented by riddles. Thus, it will be interesting and useful to spend time with the child.