/ How do you know the size of a glove and what should be considered when choosing?

How to know the size of a glove and what should be considered when choosing?

With the onset of cold clothes on passers-bybecomes more and more. Everyone tries as best as possible to take cover from frosts, so as not to get frostbite. However, not always people pay due attention to such a subject of wardrobe as gloves. Many even do without them, fearing once again to get a hand out of the warm pocket in the cold.

how to know the size of a glove
Correctly and correctly selected glovescan not only replenish the wardrobe, but even emphasize the individuality. Many, intending to purchase this kind of new thing, do not know how to know the size of a glove.

Ways to determine the size of gloves

The simplest, but from this no less truein a way is a comparison with the old. On most such products inside there is a tag on which the size is indicated. But very often during the operation, everything on the inscription on gloves is erased. In this case, you can resort to the following method. To do this, take a centimeter tape. First measure the girth of the brush, putting the beginning of the tape to the place where the little finger departs from the palm of your hand. The result is rounded to one. This will be your size. Now, after figuring out how to find out the size of a glove, consider two different size systems.

How to know the size of men's gloves

What are the sizes?

Today, women's gloves are available in sizesfrom 17 to 30. Before you know the size of the gloves of men, we will clarify that everything depends on the type of material from which they are made. In other, the same can be said about women. The size of gloves of male models is 20-32. If these dimensions do not suit you, then the only way out is tailoring according to individual parameters.

Also today, as long as there is such alreadyan outdated system, in which the size is indicated as 6-8 for women, 7.5-10 for men. Many still do not know how to know the size of a glove with this marking. The principle is as follows. It is necessary to measure your palm, in its widest place. The resulting hand size for gloves, in millimeters, must be divided by 27.

Features when choosing

If you buy gloves with insulation fromnatural fur, then you need to consider the fact that their size should be a little larger. Therefore, get gloves that will be slightly larger for you, so that between the hand and the heater there is a layer of air that will warm.

hand size for gloves

How to wear gloves?

In order for your gloves to serve youFor a long time, you need to properly wear them. First it is necessary to dress 4 fingers, wrapping the hem of the gloves with the thumb. Only after you make sure that the glove has sat tightly, thrust a thumb into it. This way will prevent the skin from clogging, which has a bad effect on its properties.

We hope, after reading this article, you receivedan exhaustive answer to the question of how to find out the size of a glove. And bought with the observance of the above rules the subject of the wardrobe will long please its owner in the fierce winter. Correctly selected gloves will help to avoid hypothermia, which in severe cases can lead to frostbite, the consequences of which can be deplorable.