When the next wash is scheduled, do notgrab the first available powder from the shelf in a household chemicals store. Indeed, most types of cheap products contain components that are quite dangerous to health, in particular, toxic phosphates. To avoid unnecessary problems, as an option, you should take into consideration the Japanese powder for washing. Most of the products, originally from this country, are made on the basis of environmentally friendly components. Let us consider which Japanese laundry detergent is better to choose, what are the advantages of similar products?
Nissan FaFa
Use household chemicals of the specified brandcan for hand and machine wash. Due to the action of active enzymes of natural origin, old stains effectively leave the fabric. For this reason, such a Japanese powder is suitable for washing baby clothes, removing dirt from cuffs, collars, and diapers.
Otstiryvayushchy ability of means increasesthanks to the bleaching agent of the oxygen type. The latter contains in the composition of natural aromatic substances that give things a delicate, fresh scent.
Japanese washing powder brand Nissan FaFa differs extremely economical consumption. 30 liters of water requires only about 20 g of the product.
Lion top
Designed by Lion Top based on componentsvegetable nature. Natural substances penetrate deep into the smallest particles of tissue, dissolving any stains. The same ingredients give the clothes a fresh smell of field herbs.
What is the expense of the presented brand? As practice shows, the amount of linen weighing about 7 kg requires up to 75 grams of such powder.
Kao attack
Such household chemicals instantly dissolve asin warm as well as cold water. It contains active enzymes of biological origin, which are able to penetrate the smallest particles of tissue. The effective components of the powder remove heavy soiling, even in cases where a whole pile of laundry is subjected to machine wash.
The funds of this plan are effectivecleaning fabrics at an economical expense. The composition of these powders included herbal supplements that combine with particles of pollution and remove the latter from the structure of materials. To wash these elements, it is enough the smallest amount of water.
Japanese powders do not contain phosphates, applicationwhich for the production of household chemicals is prohibited in this country since 1986. For this reason, local manufacturers of household chemicals at one time were simply forced to develop safe products based on natural enzymes. Alas, in the domestic latitudes today laundry detergents are manufactured with the use of toxic substances, since such an approach to production makes it cheaper to produce. Unfortunately, such standards do not contradict the current legislation in our country.
Components of Japanese washing powders delicatelyaffect the structure of tissues. After taking care of things with the use of such tools, housewives do not have to worry about the imminent deterioration of the quality of clothes. The reason for all is the lack of aggressive chemicals in such household chemicals that can have a destructive effect on the structure of fibers of natural and synthetic origin.
As a conclusion, it is worth noting thatJapanese washing powders have a really high price, compared with products from well-known European manufacturers. However, in view of the whole mass of advantages that are considered in the presented material, the decision to purchase funds of this category looks quite justified.