/ / A gift to guests at the wedding: tradition, innovation, necessity, joy?

Gift to guests at the wedding: tradition, innovation, necessity, joy?

Couples whose marriage is 20-40 years old willsurprised to be at a modern wedding: many traditions have changed. If your twenty-year-old daughter says that gifts from the celebration should be made to each of the hundreds of guests, do not rush to clutch her head and say: “No!” In fact, almost everything has changed in our lives. Why shouldn't wedding traditions be renewed? Let us try to figure out who, for what, and what needs to give presents at a modern wedding.

gift to guests at the wedding
Советская невеста знала точно:a gift to guests at the wedding is necessary, but not one, and sometimes about a dozen. In general, the circle of gifts was clear: the close relatives of the groom (mom-dad, brothers-sisters, grandparents, uncles-aunts, occasionally - godparents). Gifts were chosen quality. Given the general shortage, almost any gift to guests at the wedding turned out to be necessary. After all, it was purchased by coupons (invitations) in the bridal salon. It is difficult for the present newlyweds to imagine that terry towels, tablecloths, bathrobes, shirts, handkerchiefs, fabric cuts, dishes, bedding may be a deficiency, but it was, it was. These very simple household items and clothes were bought as gifts to guests by the bride and groom, who received the coveted access to rare items on the shelves of a regular store. Newlyweds usually did not exchange gifts.

Competitions at weddings of the Soviet time, of course,were carried out. Souvenirs for them, too, relied, mostly humorous. Something was bought by the newlyweds, by some witnesses. It certainly was not a big problem, because all these souvenirs were worth a penny. And most importantly - no one claimed to receive a serious gift, it was enough to have a self-made cardboard medal or a diploma to the “Most Active Guest.”

golden wedding gifts
It turns out, the tradition to give guests at the weddingexisted and our ancestors, but the sacral meaning of the rite was different. As a rule, the bride handed things woven, knitted, embroidered with her own hands. The groom's father received a belt, the mother — a luxurious handkerchief, the groom — an embroidered shirt, relatives — a tablecloth, towel, napkins. The bride thus demonstrated her skill, thrift, and the gifts were filled with special energy. The groom had to show his material viability, because he tried to buy a rich fur coat for the mother-in-law, new boots for the bride, and jewelry and fashionable clothes for the bride.

В последние годы появилась традиция одаривать each guest at the wedding with small souvenir bonbonnieres. The roots of tradition should be sought in medieval France. “Bonbon” is “candy” in French, and bonbonnière is “candy”. Thus, the bonbonniere is a beautiful box for sweets. At various celebrations in France, guests were given sweets to thank them for attending a wedding, baptism or communion. The tradition has safely survived for centuries and migrated to other European states, and in recent years to Russia and the CIS countries.

gifts for wedding guests
In France, usually covered with candyglazed almonds, but today it can be small chocolate candies in foil or candied fruit. Bonbonnieres look like bags, bags, envelopes, boxes. They can be prepared with your own hands and selected to match your themed wedding. By the way, according to tradition, there should be 5 tablets in the candy bowl: symbols of fertility, happiness, well-being, health and longevity. Today, this number is usually not respected, popular rumor says only that the number of sweets should be odd.

Moreover:practicality took over the windy and sweet teeth of the French. Today, more and more couples think about souvenirs that will leave the memory of the triumph for a long time. For example, a fridge magnet with a wedding date and photos of newlyweds will help guests not to forget your wedding day, and you can even count on gifts for a wooden wedding (on the fifth anniversary of living together).

Some couples come up with more and more original.ideas for souvenirs for guests: it can be calendars, glasses and newspapers of special design, trinkets, vases, tiny jars of jam ... A gift to guests at a wedding can also be playful. In this case, we are already talking about individual souvenirs, which, of course, complicates the already difficult life of future newlyweds.

We reviewed the main options for gifts onthe wedding, but did not answer the question: “What should be done according to wedding etiquette?” Of course, bonbonniere is not a Slavic tradition, but it got accustomed, and many people like it.

wooden wedding gifts
Today, only the newlyweds decide whoyou should give souvenirs, and what a gift to guests at the wedding would be appropriate. You can not give anyone. Bright ceremony, festive banquet, show program - the main gift for those present. You can give gifts to close relatives, as did your mothers and grandmothers. And you can prepare French-style souvenirs for all participants of the celebration (each or 1 for a family). The decision remains for the bride and groom. Believe me, there are no clear rules. According to the observations of the leading weddings, today about a third of the banquets are held without gifts to the guests, but this does not make the holiday any less cheerful or less happy.

However, if finances allow, why notto make this nice gesture - a bonbonniere as a gift - to thank the guests for sharing this day with you. For sure, you and all those present will receive pleasure. In the bonbonniere, you can attach a thank you card. Perhaps, one should not forget that you are buying not gifts for a golden wedding, but pleasant things that should not be too expensive. Souvenirs are presented at the end of the celebration or during the donation ceremony as a response “thank you”.

In any case, do not forget to thank the guests verbally.