/ / How old children swaddle. Up to what age to swaddle baby

Up to what age children swaddle. Up to what age to swaddle baby

Many mothers believe that it is necessary to swaddle the baby. The future of the kids depends on it. Is it so? What do doctors say about this? How old are the children swaddled? Read the article.

Swaddling Myth

Many years ago, doctors, mothers and grandmothers argued that it was necessary to swaddle a child tightly. To date, doctors have dispelled myths about tight swaddling:

one.The longer the baby swaddles, the smoother the legs will be. This is not true. It is proved that heredity is the first thing to pay attention to. Much more depends on the quality and nutrition, and also important is the physical development. If the child does not have enough vitamins, then there may be a curvature of the legs.

2. The tighter you wrap your baby, the warmer.It is a myth. Of course, the child is warm, only he does not have the ability to adapt to temperature changes. This will affect his health in the future. Such children get sick very often.

3. Sound and healthy sleep. This is partial truth.However, if a child often twitches in a dream and wakes himself up with his own hands, it is necessary to pay attention primarily to his nervous system. Overexcitement or fear of the baby contributes to frequent awakening, regardless of swaddling.

How old do children swaddle?

Previously, almost all children grew up on these myths. However, modern parents and doctors argue that children need freedom. Why and why is it needed? How old are the children swaddled?

Modern views on swaddling

Many mommies have not decided whatage need to swaddle the baby. To date, they believe that the baby from birth can be worn in sliders, vests, cap. Doctors support this approach. Swaddling constrains movements that are necessary for the baby. Many children because of this often wake up.

It is proved that due to swaddling the baby is badthe sense of touch develops. Therefore, for babies, arms and legs should be completely free. They need hands and feet to touch a variety of objects. Then they will be less afraid.

Modern parents swaddle the child onlynight the first two months. They believe that the baby frightens himself with his hands, which makes him sleep worse. When a mother takes a newborn in her arms, then it is not necessary to fetter his body. The baby should feel the mother, her warmth, body and hands. In the diaper, such sensations weaken.

It is proved that physical contact with mom or dad is very important for the family. When a child feels parents, he quickly adapts to the environment.

until what age do you need to swaddle a baby

At this time, moms or dads can give your baby a light massage of the arms, legs or tummy. However, we should not forget that nobody canceled swaddling. In some cases, it must be applied.

How old are the children swaddled?

There is no definitive answer to this question.Each child needs an individual approach. Not even a single doctor will answer the question of how old a child can be. As a rule, many children experience “throwing up” pens. It wakes kids up, they get scared of their own body and become nervous. To avoid this, it is necessary at first to swaddle the babies during the day and night sleep. When the crumb is awake, his movements must be free.

Some children throw up pens up to 3months, others - up to 6. It all depends on the individuality of the child. When he stopped twitching, then diapers can be abolished for daytime sleep. If you do not know how old to swaddle a child for the night, try to put it on the sliders, baby's undershirts once. Watch how it will sleep. If the baby continues to wake himself up at night, then continue to swaddle him. Then he will be calm and cheerful.

What do the doctor's say

It is proven that children get used to the environment withbirth to 6 months. That is why they are frightened not only by sharp sounds, but also by movements. Doctors recommend swaddling the baby for a restful sleep for the first month. It is also advised in cases where the baby is very active and produces a lot of sharp movements.

If the child is nervous or restless, the diaper calms him down. In this case, it is desirable to hold down the movement of the baby, at least in moments of sleep. Doctors advise not to refuse to swaddle.

When the baby is one month old, then he can leave his hands free. After all, many children wake up if they are uncomfortable.

up to what age to swaddle a baby for the night

At 3 months, doctors recommend not to swaddle the baby, as he must have well developed limbs. This will not work with constrained movement.

As mentioned earlier, the baby must developphysically. Therefore, try not to limit its movement from at least three months. However, this is individual. Only mother can understand what is needed for her child. Watch your child, help him develop physically, and he will delight his family with his success.

Now you know how old children are swaddled. However, it is better to consult with experts, so as not to harm your baby, but develop it correctly.


If a baby in a diaper sleeps soundly, does not cry and is not irritated, then you are on the right track.

up to which age you can swaddle a baby

When you see that the crumbs have a nervous sleep from shackling, then you need to use undershirts and sliders. Give up swaddling if your baby is uncomfortable.

Do not worry about the curvature of the legs.It has been verified for years that it is not from diapers. It all depends on the individuality of the child. He will not have crooked legs at 6 years old. When children begin to walk, their limbs fall into place. Closer to the age of three, the baby will have straight legs.

Do not forget to show your baby every monthpediatrician. He will help you monitor the development of the baby and answer all your questions. At the slightest deviation, the pediatrician will refer the mother and child to a specialist to quickly resolve the problem.

The doctor will monthly check the baby for coordination of movements and advise the necessary exercises for full physical development.

Do not forget that if given to a newbornfreedom of movement, create safe conditions for him. It is impossible for a packet to be placed next to the child. He can catch his hand and cover his face. It threatens to suffocate. Very often, children stuff a corner of a blanket or pillow into their mouths. Therefore, when you are not near the baby, do not leave anything near him. Even the most ordinary dummy can harm the crumbs.

You already understand how old you need to swaddle your baby. Take care of him, take care of your crumb, and in the future he will thank you with the same.