/ / How to take birth at the cat at home: step by step instructions

How to take birth in a cat at home: step by step instructions

How to take birth at the cat?In most cases, the natural process of birth of kittens does not require outside intervention, it is relatively easy. Of course, this does not mean that the pet should be left without support. During childbirth the owner’s help is useful to the pet, and the occurrence of complications cannot be ruled out.

Signs of Pregnancy

How to take birth at the cat?First you need to learn to determine pregnancy. In the first 2.5 weeks without going through an ultrasound, the doctor will not be able to detect the signs. The restructuring of the body begins in the third week. Drowsiness, constant mood swings, vomiting - possible symptoms. You can also note rosy nipples.

How to prepare for the birth of a cat?

The cat's belly is rounded closer to week 6-7. At the same time there is a noticeable increase in the mammary glands.

Duration of pregnancy

How to take birth at the cat?The owner must at least approximately determine when they will begin. The duration of gestation depends on the health and breed of the pet. Say, Siberian cats give birth quickly, whereas their Persian sisters carry kittens in the womb the longest.

On average, pregnancy lasts 62-66 days.

Course of pregnancy

Pregnancy complications most oftenobserved in purebred animals that were bred by artificial means. This is evidenced by the condition of the pet, which is noticeably deteriorating. The cat may refuse food, whine in his sleep. It is difficult for her to rise to her feet, she spends most of the time lying down.

Precautionary measures

How to take birth at the cat?Even during the pregnancy of the pet, it is important not to forget about the precautions. It is better to take an animal on hands as little as possible. It is especially important not to forget about it when the cat has a big belly.

How to take birth at the cat at home?

If you accidentally touch a pet duringwalk, in response there will be a hiss. This is not surprising, since in this way the cat protects its future offspring. For a while, it can become aggressive after childbirth.

How to take birth in a cat: training

Prepare for this procedure should be in advance.How to take birth at the cat at home? First of all, you need to take care of the so-called "nest". A pet will not like the idea of ​​giving birth on the bare floor, thin bedding also does not fit.

How to prepare a place for giving birth to a cat?

Оборудовать «гнездо» легко.To do this, you need to take a shallow, but wide enough box, throw a soft mattress on the bottom. It can be made from an old towel or blanket or you can fill the fabric with padding polyester. It is important to make sure that threads do not stick out of the litter. When choosing a fabric, it is advisable to give preference to non-skid material so that it is convenient for the kittens to crawl. In addition to the mattress, disposable diapers for animals that can be bought at the pet store should be laid on the bottom. Ordinary products for children are also suitable.

Introduce the cat to the nest before birth.It is important to understand that if an improvised home does not suit her, she will look for a more suitable place. To prevent this, the "nest" is best placed in a quiet and dark place.

Tools and materials

How to take birth in a cat? This will require the following tools and materials:

  • cloths or diapers;
  • warmer;
  • scissors;
  • cotton thread;
  • petrolatum;
  • antiseptic;
  • a small "nest" for kittens.

What else you need to think in advance?The owner must provide all possible scenarios. Therefore, you should find out the telephone number of round-the-clock ambulance for animals or the vet. A sheet with the number is better to attach to the refrigerator, so that in an emergency you do not lose time searching for it. It is also advisable to stock up on a carrier for the animal, with which you can deliver it to the clinic.

Before giving birth

How to understand that childbirth is close?For a couple of hours, the animal begins to experience anxiety, which is quite natural. The pet may refuse water and food, meow, walk around the apartment. Fussiness also indicates excitement. For example, a cat can climb under the sofa, dig in the cooked "nest", try to sit in a pile of clothes.

Signs of cat birth

The owner should communicate with the animal, caress him. Before the "nest" should put a bowl with food and water.

Step-by-step instruction

Even inexperienced owners can help their darling produce kittens. To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions below. How to take birth in cats? How to help the animal?

How to take birth at home?
  • Childbirth begins when the waste watergray-brown color. Fights at home favorite should begin approximately 50-70 minutes before the first kitten is born. Generic activity may weaken, resulting in the baby will be born only 5-8 hours later. If the birth of the first kitten has to wait more than 7 hours, it is best to contact a specialist.
  • Uncomplicated births last 2-4 hours.The interval of the appearance of babies into the world can range from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours. If the pet is unable to give birth to a second kitten, you should also contact the veterinarian or take her to the clinic.
  • Signs must not be shown during labor.panic. It is important to remain calm in order to prevent the cat from getting into a state of stress. The owner should talk to the animal in a soft and gentle voice, stroking it.
  • Если схватки у кошки слабые, необходимо ей помочь relax. How to strengthen generic activities? To do this, you need to stroke the belly and back of the pet. If the kitten is stuck in the paths, you also need to intervene. With fingers pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly, you should gently pull the baby to him. You can not strongly pull on the paws, it is necessary to take the folds on the body and neck.
  • Placenta should not stay inside.If necessary, pull it out with your hands to prevent inflammation. The cat will definitely want to eat the afterbirth, which left behind the newborn kittens. You can not allow her to eat more than two pieces, as this can lead to indigestion and stool.
  • The cat can not guess to bite off the umbilical cord.In this case, you should arm yourself with disinfected scissors, pull the umbilical cord with a thread at a distance of 2 cm from the kitten's abdomen, then squeeze it with your fingers and carefully cut it. Be sure to treat with an antiseptic cutoff site.

What to do after?

The above describes how to take deliverycats at home. What to do after? To begin, you should examine the newborn kittens. If the lungs are clogged with amniotic fluid, you need to take the baby in your hand and lower it upside down. Through such actions, water will flow out of the nose. You can also shake the kitten a little. You need to make sure that breathing has returned to normal.

What to do after giving birth to a cat?

Внимание следует обратить и на язык детеныша, он should be pink. A color close to purple or blue should alert. In this case, the kitten, wrapped in a diaper, should be kept for some time upside down. Mother baby can pass after he squeals.

British breed

What other information is useful?How to take birth in a British cat? Its pregnancy has no specific features. Childbirth occurs approximately 9 weeks after conception, human intervention in most cases is required at a minimum level. The owner of the British cat can safely follow the instructions given above.