/ / How to update the blood to calculate the sex of the child? How truthful is the “Blood Renewal” method in determining the sex of an unborn child?

How to update the blood to calculate the sex of the child? How true is the method of "Renewing the blood" in determining the sex of the unborn child?

Many people in the modern world are used toplan your future. There is no exception and the birth of a baby. Increasingly, future parents want to know in advance who will be born. One of the popular methods of research is the calculation of the sex of the child to update blood. How can you believe this method? This is what the submitted article will tell you. You will learn how to update the blood of a child by updating blood. You can also find out the features of this process.

how to update the blood to calculate the sex of the child

Blood Update

Normally, each person has this process. In addition to blood, the mucous membranes and skin are also renewed. Blood purification does not require outside intervention. It happens on its own.

Terms of the described process are setindividually for men and women. For example, male representatives undergo this procedure once every four years. Among girls and women update occurs more often. Their blood is cleaned every three years.

the sex of the child to update the blood of parents

Calculation of the sex of the child to update the blood

Произвести вычисление можно двумя методами.The first involves the division of the age at which the person was in the period of conception, the desired number. The second one starts counting directly from the date of birth. However, it is less convenient. All because of the fact that during life can occur many phenomena that affect the duration of blood renewal.

How to update the blood to calculate the sex of the child?When using the first method, you need to know the total number of years of the mother and divide the resulting number by three. Over the years, the father do the same. However, the divisor in this case is four. The results are compared. Whose blood was younger, a child of that sex and will be born to this couple.

Как по обновлению крови рассчитать пол ребенка one more method? In this case, you take the year of birth of the woman and add to it 3, then another 3 and so on until the moment of conception. Similarly, do with the age of the father. Only in this case it is necessary to add 4.

calculation of the sex of the child to update the blood

Calculation Example

How to update the blood to calculate the sex of the child by example? Consider both methods mentioned above.

  • Option one.Mother at the time of conception, for example, 26 years. This number must be divided by 3. The result is 8.7. Father's age at this moment is 27 years old. Divide these years by 4 and get 6.8. Compare the remnants. Mother gets younger blood. Therefore, there will be a girl.
  • Второй способ. Женщина родилась в 1989 году.Her blood will be updated in the following periods: 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. A man was born in 1986. His blood will undergo renewal in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014. If the child will be conceived in 2014, then the couple will have a boy.

Special cases

How to find out the sex of the child to update the bloodparents if they were born on the same day? Experts still can not find the answer to this question. Some scientists say that in such a situation there is a high probability of having twins. Other scientists say that two babies are born at the same time when the remains are equal.

В любом случае при такой ситуации, как и в In all other cases, it is necessary to take into account external factors that may affect blood renewal, before calculating the sex of the child to update the blood of the parents.

how to calculate the sex of the child to update the blood

The popularity of the described method and its reliability

Researchers say that nowtime there are lots of different ways to determine the sex of the planned baby. These include all sorts of tables and pentagrams, online applications and calculations. The most popular among them is the ancient Chinese table and the method of blood renewal.

Despite gaining popularity,Experts say that the effectiveness of this method is rather low. So, some scientists call the probability of an exact hit of 2%. Others are talking about 50%. How is this really?

Can you believe the method described above?

Determine the sex of the child to update the bloodparents are pretty simple. However, this does not give you guarantees of obtaining accurate data. In most cases, a successful match is just an accident. This fact is explained as follows.

calculate the sex of the child to update the blood of parents

During fertilization, two cells merge:male and female gametes. The ovum contains exclusively X chromosomes. Male sperm is also more interestingly arranged. It may contain a set consisting of X chromosomes. In this case, the couple will be born a girl. When a male cell has one chromosome in its composition, a boy will appear in the near future. Based on these data, we can conclude that human blood has absolutely no effect on the sex of the future baby. All ways of how to calculate the sex of a child for blood renewal are recognized as simple entertainment, rather than truthful information.

Opinion of married couples

Many families have been told how to calculatesex of the child to update the blood, were able to plan in advance the birth of a boy or girl. They just made a calculation and found out what years and months they will have a baby of one or another sex. These couples speak of the described method extremely positively.

Most of the tested individuals deniedthe above theory. Simple calculations did not confirm the birth of a child of a certain sex. Scientists rely on this information, citing the percentage of positive calculation results.

the sex of the unborn child to update the blood

Necessary information

Before you try to determine the sex of the futurechild to update the blood, it is necessary to consider all the data. Thus, the change of the bloodstream can occur not only the above intervals. This process is also sometimes affected by external factors.

Premature update of the channel takes place induring childbirth, operations, with severe blood loss, a variety of injuries, treatment, transfusion of blood and plasma, as well as among donors. From this moment begins a new countdown. Many couples do not consider this information. That is why they do not agree the data and the actual outcome of events.

A small summary of the article or conclusion

Now you probably know how to calculate the floor.child to update the blood of his parents correctly. When choosing this method of calculation, always take into account the full information about that and the other partner. Otherwise, the data may be incorrect.

Absolutely accurate to know the sex of the future baby canonly during an ultrasound study conducted at 20 weeks of pregnancy or later. However, in this case, the assumption may be erroneous. Do not strongly trust the described method of calculation. Successes to you and fulfillment of desires!