/ / In what order do the teeth climb in the child and at what age? Are there any exceptions?

In what order does the child's teeth come up and at what age? Are there exceptions?

With the birth of a new family member parentsacquire many different problems and responsibilities. Mom and dad are always closely watching the diet of their baby, its growth and development. A very important event in the family of each crumb is the appearance of the first tooth. It happens always in different ways. This article will tell you about the order in which the child's teeth are climbing. You find out the features and sequence of the appearance of these bone formations. It is also worth mentioning about possible exceptions and special cases. Let's try to figure out when and in what order the teeth should grow in the child.

in what order do the teeth of a child climb

Baby teeth

Bookmark data formations occur in the womb. Approximately by the middle of pregnancy, the number and sequence of the eruption of milk teeth is established.

It should be noted that by the age of three the child shouldget a complete set of bone bone formations in the amount of 20 pieces. In this case, the order and time of their appearance can be individual. What are the rules? In what order do the teeth usually climb in a child? We will understand in detail.

First pair

First, the lower incisors appear.In what order do the teeth climb in children? Doctors say that a couple may appear simultaneously or with a break of several days. It does not matter if the process started from the right or left cutter.

Most often, the lower incisors appear at the age of 6-7 months. However, it is normal if this range expands to 4-9 months.

in what order do the baby’s teeth crawl

Second pair

После нижних резцов должны появиться верхние teeth In what order do the teeth climb in the child in this case? The first may appear right or left incisor. It absolutely does not matter. However, they are cut one after another. The interval between their appearance can be from several hours to a couple of weeks.

Статистика говорит о том, что первым в этой паре a incisor appears on the side from which the lower tooth first cut. Most often this occurs at the age of 8-9 months. However, doctors allow a range of 6-11 months. In this case there should not be a big gap between the appearance of the upper and lower incisors. Most often it is a one-month period.

Third (lateral) incisors

In what order do the teeth climb in the child further?The next pair appear lateral incisors. First it occurs on the upper jaw. In this case, the first may appear right or left tooth - it does not matter at all.

This process occurs at the age of about 10months. However, the allowable range is from 7 months to one year. The interval between the appearance of the first and second teeth of this pair should not exceed 40 days.

in what order do the teeth climb in the child

Fourth pair (lower side cutters)

In what order do the teeth climb in children further? Next appear the lower lateral incisors. This process takes place approximately at the age of one year. Valid range can be from 9 to 15 months.

Most often, the first lateral lower incisor appears on the side from which it occurred on top. However, this is not the rule.

Upper and lower molars

These teeth appear earlier than canines.This is the norm. However, more and more recently there have been exceptions. First appears the top pair. Only after 10-60 days can you find the lower molars.

Most often, the appearance of these teeth occurs inage from one to one and a half years. It is worth noting that the molars have a large width. That is why the eruption of these teeth can be accompanied by fever, decreased appetite and anxiety.

Appearance of canines

В каком порядке лезут зубы у ребенка?Photos and images of the generally accepted sequence will be presented to your attention in this article. Fangs usually appear between the ages of one and a half and two years. However, there are cases when they make themselves known much earlier than pair molars. You will learn about these cases below.

Often the eruption of fangs is accompanied by sore gums, a runny nose, and a change in stool. However, all these signs disappear immediately after the appearance of teeth.

The second group of molars

The following upper and lower (second) appearmolars This process occurs between the ages of two and three years. Most often, teething is asymptomatic, despite the fact that the teeth are wide enough.

This group of molars ends the appearance of milk teeth. Next will be cut permanent teeth that will come in place of fallen dairy.

in what order do the teeth climb in children

Deviations from the norm

So, now you know, in what order climbteeth in a child. There are exceptions and deviations from the rules. In some cases this is the norm. Sometimes doctors talk about pathology. How to find out what is the norm and what is not?

Early teething

If your baby has teeth too early, then we can talk about a special heredity or diseases of the thyroid gland.

Sometimes babies are born with one ortwo incisors. This happens very rarely, but medicine knows these cases. Most often this indicates hormonal disorders. In this case, it is worth contacting an endocrinologist for a qualified appointment.

 in what order should a child’s teeth

Teething later

Часто малыши обзаводятся первым резцом в возрасте one year. Doctors allow such a course of events. However, if your child does not have a single tooth at 12 months, then it is worth consulting a dentist and pediatrician.

Deviation from the norm is the gap betweenthe appearance of paired incisors, canines and molars for more than two months. In this case, we can talk about a lack of calcium, poor absorption of vitamin D and other diseases.

Sequence violation

Sometimes the baby’s teeth get right on time, howeverthe sequence is broken. So, fangs often appear first, rather than the first group of molars. There are also cases where the eruption of the upper incisors occurred earlier than on the lower jaw.

If all the teeth fall into place, then more oftenonly physicians do not attach special attention to this deviation. However, with a strong violation of the order, we can talk about serious violations in the endocrine system.

 in what order and age do teeth climb in children

Summing up and a small conclusion

So, you now know in which order andaged teeth climb in children. Remember that all babies are individual and do not develop in the same way as their peers. Do not be leveled at the neighbors, children, girlfriends and other examples. Pay attention to how your child's teeth are climbing.

При возникновении вопросов и трудностей стоит contact medics. Visit your pediatrician, dentist, and neurologist. Get expert advice and appointment if necessary. Health to you and painless teething to your baby!