/ / Why a pregnant woman should not be nervous - causes, consequences and recommendations

Why the pregnant woman should not be nervous - the reasons, consequences and recommendations

The human body is arranged in an amazing way:nature has created an almost perfect mechanism that regulates not only all the systems of the human body together, but also each separately, forcing people to grow, age, develop physically, psychologically and emotionally. Even more work needs to be done on the female body — pregnancy, gestation and the birth of a baby — these are natural mechanisms that are laid down at the deep level of the subconscious. Nevertheless, one should not be careless and let the “interesting position” take its course. In order for the child to be healthy, the expectant mother needs to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and try not to react too emotionally to various life circumstances. Why pregnant can not be nervous? What is so terrible can happen from fright or stress, a strong manifestation of joy or experiences?

why pregnant can not be nervous

First difficulties

At the very first stage of gestationwomen experiencing maximum stress. The formation of the embryo, the intensive growth of the unborn child, which appears literally from nothing, developing from several cells into a human being, is an incredibly complex process, during which the baby changes and changes every day. The central place in all these metamorphoses is occupied by the growth of the nerve cells that form the baby’s brain and spinal cord. Violation of the psychoemotional state of the mother can lead to disorders and pathologies of the neurological nature of the fetus. This is the main reason why a pregnant woman should not be nervous.

Any failure in the normal state of the mother canirreversible consequences: a lag in the subsequent development of the child, and according to the latest data - even autism. It turns out that much depends on the sex of the fetus, and nervous shocks affect girls and boys differently. Since this effect is in any case colored in negative tones, it becomes clear why pregnant women should not be nervous and worried and just need to try, if we do not exclude various factors that have a bad effect on mood, then at least minimize them.

why pregnant women can not be nervous and cry

Small miracle

It is clinically proven that initially the bodyperceives the child as a foreign body, and if the woman does not have time to adapt to the new conditions of existence, the changed hormonal background, there are bursts of emotions, and toxicosis, and general ill health.

The first trimester of pregnancy is a difficult period.A woman may not even be aware of such significant changes in her body and what is expecting a child, therefore she does not always understand the nature of irritability, fatigue, what happens to her and why. Pregnant women should not be nervous during the entire nine months of carrying a baby, but it is at the initial stage that excessive emotionality often becomes the cause of abortion.

why not be nervous pregnant women

Give in to instincts

Those who are going to become a mom are planning their owneach step is easier to prepare for future difficulties, but they can also expect a lot of frightening changes for which the girl simply will not be ready. What to say about future moms, for whom the new situation turned out to be a surprise, and besides the awareness of the shocking fact of future births, the body sends different incomprehensible messages that need to be correctly interpreted and deciphered.

In fact, pregnancy is not a disease, the bodyprepares for this monthly, and ideally everything should go naturally. The most important thing is to listen carefully to what the subconscious, sensations and emotions suggest, then there will be no problems and worries, and the question of why pregnant women should not be nervous and cry will not disturb future moms or dads or their leading doctors. .

Strong man

Западные доктора любят проводить всевозможные research, including with future mothers. One of the latest works of pundits was the observation of 500 pregnant women. The task of the doctors was to study the effect of stress on the process of gestation, as well as on subsequent childbirth and the psyche of babies in general.

In the course of the research, the doctors got curious results. It turns out that the stress of the mother, if she bears the boy, can cause such problems:

  • replanning of the fetus;

  • prolonged course of labor;

  • psychological disorders in the baby (nervousness, tearfulness, autism).

The most dangerous consequence explaining whypregnant women should not be nervous - this is a possible miscarriage. During stress, there are strong pressure surges, blood circulation is disturbed, air circulation in the body, the delivery of substances necessary for vital activity to the baby, which results in very serious pathologies.

why pregnant women can not be nervous and worry

Cute baby

With girls, things are a little different. Scientists argue that the increased nervousness of the mother can provoke premature birth, fetal umbilical cord, possibly asphyxia.

Неблагоприятное влияние на психику the newborn, which brings the nervous tension of the mother during gestation, subsequently manifests a variety of neurological and psychological problems.

The greatest impact of stress as a factoraffecting the baby, manifested in late terms, starting at 28 weeks, but why pregnant women should not be nervous in the first trimester? This period is a sign, up to 12 weeks the fruit is so fragile and tender that even the strongest emotional stress can provoke his death. Therefore, having learned about an interesting situation, it is important to avoid any stresses.

Woe to happiness

What does the phrase "any stress" mean?What is stress in general? This is the reaction of the human body to a variety of external stimuli, which can be not only bad emotions or impressions, fatigue or strain, but also good, joyful events, moments of strong happiness.

Some people with positive emotions.have such strong feelings that they can cause serious, albeit short-term, disturbances in the body. For a pregnant woman, this can result in increased uterine tone, contractions, spasms, or even premature birth, and the baby will experience mother’s delight in the form of lack of oxygen and discomfort, sincerely not understanding what is disturbing him and why. Pregnant women can not be nervous, but what if the stressful situation still happened, how to quickly recover?

why pregnant women can not be nervous in the first trimester

How to overcome stress?

Many mommies remember a slight feeling.retardation, which they experienced during pregnancy. Nature thus protects both mom and her baby, creating a natural barrier for all sorts of stress. Such a measure is sometimes not enough. How can a woman in this case help her find a sense of peace and tranquility?

  • soothing herbal teas;

  • relaxing atmosphere;

  • light sedatives, tinctures and fees (as recommended by the doctor);

  • foot massage;

  • if the term is not late, you can take a warm bath,go to the pool, rinse under a contrasting shower, but without sudden changes in temperature, it perfectly removes irritation and fatigue, tones the body.