If a dachshund appeared in your family (dwarf,rabbit or standard), then you will need all your attention, love and care. This is a small perpetual motion machine, which is strictly forbidden to leave unattended. Do you work all day? Then buy an aquarium, get a fish or a hamster. A dog, especially a dachshund, is a small child who will never grow up and will need you for the rest of his days.
Breed description
This is a strong, long, very athletic dog.The dwarf dachshund resembles a spring loaded on short legs, an elastic and muscular body constantly reminds of its purpose - hunting for a forest beast. They are very smart, curious and agile. The hunting past makes itself felt, especially the owners of private houses are surprised by their ability to instantly dig through and dig into the smallest gap. In addition, they have a great sense of mind, for these qualities hunters always valued a dachshund.
And city dwellers should know that the dachshundable to dig a 45 cm long tunnel in just a minute. It will not always be the ground in the pleasure garden, the same fate can befall the sofa or the parquet if the dog hears the movement of the mouse.
Rarely is this dog taken seriously because of itssmall sizes. But dwarf dwarf is able to protect. Sometimes she can give a serious rebuff to the robber and will defend her territory and owner to the last. The dachshund is an extremely intelligent dog, because of this they are often called difficult-to-fight, disobedient and stubborn. Having “calculated” its owner, the dog by any means achieves its own, and he, constantly following the lead, loses the role of the “leader of the pack”.
Attentive attitude, permanent jointgames and walks are the key to a warm relationship with the dachshund. Left to their own devices, forgotten in an empty apartment for a long working day, they tend to destroy everything they reach. Of course, each dog is individual, someone can boast that his pet never chewed even slippers, although he was always at home alone, but this is an exception.
These dogs have a very loud voice, they express to themlonging for leaving their master. Neighbors are not always satisfied. Often your absence of more than 4 hours will entail a long cleaning. At the same time, the puppy crawls on its belly and faithfully looks into the eyes, but the next time everything repeats. It is not he who is to blame, but you, because you did not think in advance.
The option of formal communication is also not suitable. If you are at home, but do not give the dog time (except for feeding and walking), then her aggression increases, and the owner is again to blame.
Такса карликовая чрезвычайно игрива.Moreover, this does not pass at 5, and often at 10 years. If you have children, they will run with this dog until they fall out of fatigue. Remember that a dachshund cannot be started by those who are hard to climb and prefers the evening at the TV for long walks.
This is an unusually brave dog, it was taken out tochase a strong beast in the most difficult conditions: in a close hole, underground, in the dark. Therefore, she will never retreat from danger. If a child walks with a dachshund in the yard, this should be remembered and not allowed to clash with larger and more ferocious dogs. At the same time they are very gentle, they adore when they are stroked.
Breed Standards
Высота в холке у этой крохи достигает максимум 21 cm (in males), bitch even less, 14-19 cm. Imagine what tiny puppies of dwarf dachshund come to a new, alien house, to a person who will henceforth control their lives. They weigh not so little as it may seem: 3-6 kg of a bitch, 4-7 kg of a dog. Chest circumference - 35 cm.
You will never confuse them with others, thiscompletely unique breed of dogs. The dachshund has an elongated body and good bones. A strong back forms a beautiful line from withers to tail. The loin is slightly convex. The neck is set high, short, muscular. Chest oval shape, sternum strongly protrudes. Paws rounded, short, dense. The head is elongated, the skull is slightly convex. The jaws are well developed, despite their decorative size. Bite scissor, good fangs. Ears of medium length, thin, soft, hang down along the cheeks.
Color, like all hunters, allowed any.We are accustomed to one-color: red, black and brown. Less common are two-colored, speckled (marble) and spotty. The rarest specimens are tiger-colored (lighter basic background and dark spots).
Depending on the type of your dog will bedifferent features of care. But in any case, it is nothing complicated. Short-haired individuals are covered with a short and shiny nap that you don't need to comb out. Once a week, wipe it with a suede glove and redeem it with special products if the animal managed to wallow in something smelling bad for a walk.
A hard-haired dachshund causes more trouble.Her coat is smooth and dense, rainproof. On the face, coarse hairs resemble spines, and on the back - softer ones. Such wool does not fade, but in order to make the dog look good at the exhibition and meet the standard, trimming is necessary twice a year. This is a procedure for plucking wool. How to understand that it's time to do it? Separate a small parting and pull in the direction of hair growth. If in the hands of a few hairs, it is time to do the appearance.
Professional groomers will help you to make professional trimming. Houses should be repeated only after repeated observation of the work of a professional. Will require special scissors and a comb.
Dwarf longhaired dachshund needsfrequent combing so that the hair on the ears and abdomen does not fall down. But since it is not too thick and long, this procedure is simple. You also need to make sure that the weed is not tangled in it.
All future owners want to know what it looks likedwarf dachshund. Photos presented in the article show animals with strong bones, developed muscles and shiny hair. To grow such a pet is possible if there is proper nutrition and enough sports loads.
If you prefer natural food,Then carefully follow the diet. For a puppy, a six-meal meal is acceptable, including finely chopped meat, cottage cheese, eggs, and cereals. An adult dog can be transferred to 2 meals a day, 70% of which should be meat of good quality (poor trimming, which often put only cartilage and interior fat, is not suitable). If you choose a balanced feed, then be sure to super-premium class. There is no Chappy and Pedigri.
Like all hunters, dachshunds are very young.freedom-loving and independent. Before you start training, you need to establish good contact with the dog. Feeling a calm host sequence (this is always possible, this can never be done) the dachshund will quickly get used to the toilet, and to the execution of commands. They have a very well-developed sense of justice; a puppy who is in a bad mood will languish from repentance while he is being reprimanded. You can not raise your voice, shout or beat the dog, you will lose its location forever.
Disease and Prevention
Выводившиеся для охоты, жизни в полевых условиях and temporary pens, these dogs have excellent health. At the same time, life expectancy is quite long, about 15 years. But do not neglect preventive vaccinations. Dachshunds are very prone to obesity, so watch the diet and the number of walks. The weak spot is the nervous system, and sometimes epilepsy becomes a complication after the illness.
You can not let a young dachshund jump for a delicacy and jump down from a height. This can lead to back and joint problems.
Buying puppies
Выбирайте заводчиков тщательно.Be sure to visit several times, see how the bitch and puppies are kept, what feeds them, how the chosen dwarf dachshund develops. The price of these dogs varies considerably depending on the region, the prestige of the club, the awards received by the parents. On average, you can buy a puppy for 10 000 rubles. If this is too much for you, and you really know and love the breed, you can talk to the breeder. A person interested in the future of his children will always make a concession, so long as the puppy falls into good hands.
Nickname for your pet
A puppy came to your home, and it's time to give him a name.This is an exciting moment, friends vied with each other to recommend nicknames for dogs. Dachshunds are naturally cute, artistic and funny creatures, and the name must match. No Burans, Rexes and Caesars. Tender nicknames are well suited for girls: Ariel, Baby, Agatha, Melanie. Boys can come up with more sonorous names: Mozart (for their sonorous voice), Cupid, Dali.
Before you take this charming, think aboutwhat is to come tomorrow. Who will play with her and walk. Who will she be with when you need to go to work or on business, how will you educate her. If you are ready to take responsibility for the happy life of a four-legged pet, then you will have a long and surprising joint adventure.