/ / What does "30x60 binoculars" mean? How to determine the multiplicity of binoculars

What does "30x60 binoculars" mean? How to determine the multiplicity of binoculars

В наше время у желающего приобрести качественный modern binoculars are plenty of opportunities. The choice of a variety of technology from global manufacturers is unusually large, including in online stores. But it is best to choose the one that is right for you on the technical parameters and at the same time suits the price.

This device is quite complex in technical terms, and it is sometimes difficult for an ordinary consumer to understand its characteristics. For example, what does "30x60 binoculars" mean? Let's try to find out.

what does 30x60 binoculars mean

What are binoculars

Starting the selection, decide whichapproximation is enough for you to observe, will you use the device not only in bright light, but also at dusk, will you be satisfied with a lightweight version, with which prolonged observation is possible? On the same binoculars 30x60 reviews can be very different depending on the needs of the owner.

Therefore, it is so important to decide for what exactly you are buying this device and in what conditions you are going to use it.

Binoculars can be theater and militarymarine or night vision, as well as small compact - for those present at the stadium during the competition. Or, on the contrary, large, intended for observations of astronomers. Each of the varieties has its own characteristics. Sometimes they differ quite significantly. To make a good choice, let's get acquainted with the main ones.

What is multiplicity?

This is one of the most important characteristics of suchappliance like binoculars. The multiplicity tells us about the ability to increase the environment. If, for example, its index is 8, then in the maximum approximation you will consider the observed object at a distance, 8 times smaller than the one on which it is in reality.

Strive to buy the device with the highest possiblemultiplicity is unreasonable. This indicator should be related to the circumstances and place of use of binoculars. For field observations, it is customary to use a technique with multiples from 6 to 8. The magnification of binoculars by a factor of 8–10 is the limiting one, at which one can observe hands. If it is higher, the jitter, enhanced by the same optics, will prevent.

Бинокли со значительным увеличением (от 15-20 krat) are used complete with a tripod on which they are fastened thanks to a special adapter or adapter. The large weight and dimensions do not have a long carrying and in most cases are not needed, especially when the review is hampered by many obstacles.

top binoculars

Models with variable multiplicity (pankratic) are produced. The degree of increase in them varies manually, like a photo lens. But due to the increased complexity of the device, they are more expensive.

What does "binoculars 30x60", or Talk about the diameter of the lens

Marking of any binocular contains sizethe diameter of the front lens of its lens, which is given immediately after the exponent. For example, what does "30x60 binoculars" mean? These figures are interpreted in this way: 30x is a factor of multiplicity, 60 is the size of the diameter of a lens in mm.

От диаметра объектива зависит качество the resulting image. In addition, it determines the flow of light collected by the binocular lens - the wider it is, the larger the diameter. Universal for hiking conditions are considered to be binoculars labeled 6x30, 7x35 or at most 8x42. If you plan to conduct observations on the nature in the daytime, and rather distant objects are to be considered, take the device with a magnification of 8 or 10 times with a lens with a diameter of 30 to 50 mm. But at twilight, they are not very effective due to less light falling into the lenses.

The best binoculars for spectators at sports events are small (pocket version) with parameters around 8x24, they are not bad for a general plan.

If light is not enough

In conditions of poor lighting (at dusk or at dawn), you should either prefer a device with a large diameter lens, or sacrifice multiplicity. The best is the ratio of 7x50 or 7x42.

Separate group - the so-called night binoculars- active and passive night vision devices. Passive lenses are equipped with a multi-layer coating that eliminates glare. They are used in the presence of minimal illumination (for example, moonlight). Active devices also work in complete darkness, as they use infrared radiation. Their minus - dependence on the power source.

Fans of exploring space objects (for example,consider the relief of the lunar surface) binoculars need a fairly powerful, with an increase of at least 20x. For a more detailed acquaintance with the night sky amateur astronomer is better to take a telescope, which in this case will not replace even the best binoculars.

range finder binoculars

What is the viewing angle?

Угол обзора (или его поле) - еще одна important characteristic. This value in degrees refers to the width of the coverage. This parameter is inversely related to the increase - powerful binoculars have a small "angle of view".

Binoculars with wide viewing angle are called wide-angle (or wide-field). They are convenient to take to the mountains in order to better navigate in space.

Often this indicator is expressed not by a graduated angle, but by the width of a segment or space that can be viewed at a standard distance of 1000 meters.

Other characteristics of binoculars

The exit pupil diameter is called the quotient fromdividing the diameter of the entrance pupil by the magnitude of the multiplicity. That is, the value of binoculars with a 6x30 marking is 5. The optimal number in this case is about 7 mm (the size of a human pupil).

Что означает "бинокль 30х60" в данном случае?The fact that the size of the exit pupil with such marking is equal to 2. Such binoculars are suitable for not too long observation in good light, then eyes face fatigue and overstrain. If the illumination leaves much to be desired, or a long observation remains, this indicator should be at least 5, and preferably 7 or more.

Another parameter - the luminosity "controls" the brightnessImages. It is in direct proportion to the exit pupil diameter. The abstract number characterizing it is equal to the square of its diameter. Under reduced illumination, it is desirable to have this indicator not less than 25.

The next concept is focus.Being central, it is a universal tool for quick focusing. At the same time, its regulator is located near the hinge connecting the pipes. Those who wear glasses, it is desirable to have binoculars with diopter adjustment.

binoculars 30x60 reviews

What else is important

Other, not so global characteristicsBinoculars, however, play a significant role in his selection. Depth of field is the value of the segment to the object of observation, which is not required to change the adjusted focus. It is the lower, the greater the multiplicity of the device.

Биноклю присуще характерное для глаза человека the property of stereoscopy (binocularity), which makes it possible to observe objects in volume and perspective. This is his advantage over a monocular or a telescope. But this quality, useful in the field, interferes in other cases. Therefore, for example, in theater binoculars it is minimized.

Optics binoculars are lenses(theater, Galilean) and prismatic (or field). The first - a good aperture, direct image, small zoom and a narrow field of view. Secondly, prisms are used that transform an inverted image obtained from the lens into a familiar one. This reduces the length of the binoculars and increases the viewing angle.

Коэффициентом прозрачности именуется способность device to pass the rays of light, expressed fractions. For example, with a loss of 40% of the light, this coefficient is 0.6. Its maximum value is one.

binoculars characteristics

What is the case of binoculars

Its main advantage is strength. Shockproof qualities are ensured by rubberized body, thanks to it, reliability is also achieved when held in hands and moisture resistance in wet weather.

Modern waterproof binoculars sealedso that they can stay under water at a depth of up to 5 meters for some time without damage to themselves. The lenses protect against fogging, filling the space between them with nitrogen. These qualities are important for tourists, hunters, naturalists. Binoculars with a rangefinder will be useful to the researcher, a device with a dull matte surface - for an amateur watching animals.

Certain non-standard features of individualdevices like an image stabilizer, laser range finder or built-in compass significantly increase the cost of binoculars and are welcome only when needed. Decide for yourself - do you really need, for example, binoculars with a rangefinder, are you ready to overpay for this option?