/ How to choose a name for a cat?

How to choose a name for a cat?

When a cat becomes a part of our life, rathereverything, it happens without a name. So, the first thing you need to do for her is to decide which name will accompany her all her life? This responsible case can involve all relatives, read mountains of necessary literature or look at variants from the Internet, but in fact, it is more important to choose such a name for a cat that will approach its character or appearance.

Keep in mind that the name you choosefor your pet, it is not only an expression of her qualities and character, but also your attitude towards her as an owner. It is the name that can tell a lot about yourself.

Первое, и главное, на что нужно обратить attention, choosing a name for a cat, it's on her sex, physical abilities (a cat thoroughbred, big or small), the nature of your pet (calm or unusually active). The name we give is just a sound, without much sense. Here the main thing is that it is liked by you and the cat.

The easiest way is to give a name for the cat,based on its physical characteristics, for example, Fluffy, Cloud, Mini. Or pick a more graceful nickname - Queen, Princess or Lady. In fact, the cat has a noble origin - it was worshiped in ancient Rome and Egypt as a divine being, so very often the name for a cat is chosen aristocratic. As for your favorite, it does not matter which name to choose. It should be borne in mind that short nicknames are always better than long ones. The cat will need time to get used to it and recognize this name. And, according to the masters, short sounds for her are associated with a pleasant treat. Spend some time with her. Whisper the name and gently stroke it so that it is pleasant for her. Do not forget only that the cat is not a dog, it does not react to commands.

The world that surrounds us is undoubtedlyThe most inexhaustible source of names and nicknames that can be chosen for a cat. In addition to classic names, such as, Pussy, Weasel, Fifa, you can pick up beautiful nicknames for cats of famous cartoon characters. Even comic books will become a source of inspiration: Sisi, Candy, Mila, Duchess, Bizet, Matisa. Sometimes cats can receive the names of Greek or Roman goddesses - Athena, Venus, Diana, Kali, Muse or Persephone. Even the names of famous people can come up as a nickname for a cat - Jacqueline, Missy, Margot, Penelope, Madonna, Britney or Sofia.

But not necessarily the name for the cat shouldbe rare or habitual. Many lovely names such as Mike, Lola, Lala, Doll, Lilu also fit well with the little fluffy beauty. Do not choose loud and stupid names, and change them every year.

You can give a name to the cat depending on herappearance. Morley or Chernyavka fit black cats, Blanka or Snowflake - for whites. Spotted cat can be called Flecky or Tigress. And why not pamper your pet and not be named according to his character? Sonia is for the lazy, and Zhivchik is for the active, fluffy beasts. Cities and countries can also become quite a nickname - Nice, Africa, Vienna or Rome. Popular in recent times are the names-drinks - Cola, Pepsi or Sprite - quite nice and short nicknames.

Another nickname can be chosen depending on the breed.For example, names for cats of sphinx should be different from fluffy pussies. For these cats, the more refined and elegant nicknames - Hera, Cleopatra or Gorgona - will suit you.

Не называйте кошку именами ваших родственников, friends or acquaintances. This may seem insulting to them. Remember that these cute animals live up to 20 years, so the name for the cat should be relevant not only today.

Подобрать кличку для своей любимицы иногда бывает difficult task. But it can turn into fun, because some of the nicknames are very funny and funny. Try, voice even the most strange options and look at the reaction of the cat - believe me, she can tell you what name she liked best.