/ / Bengal cat breed: wild leopard with angelic character

Bengal breed of cats: wild leopard with angelic character

Bengal cat breed
Bengal cat breed - the fruit of laborious andsuccessful work of an amateur enthusiast from the United States, Gene Mill. By the end of the 1940s, when she was still a student, she had a great idea. Jin wanted to bring such cats, which in appearance would resemble leopardikov, but the liking were affectionate, like homemade Murka. In the early 60s, fate brought her to Malaysia. At that time, there still remained the appearance of small but absolutely wild cats called Asian Leopard Cat. Jean acquired a female on the black market, brought her to America and began bold experiments in the field of felinology.

Nothing came of the first trial.But not because of the genetic incompatibility of wild Malaysia with American domestic cats, but because of Jin's family problems (death of her first husband and allergy to animals in her second spouse). Only in 1980, Mill again set to work. She acquired nine wild Asian cats, and brought a groom for them from the New Delhi Zoo. As a result of the mating, unusual children with shining wool appeared. This radiance, which is characterized by the Bengal cat breed, later became known as "glitter".

Cats of Bengal breed photo

By 1986, Jean connected to breedingThoroughbred male Asian Leopard Cat named Kabuki. Despite the fact that he was absolutely wild, his character was surprisingly docile, balanced and friendly. This is the male who became the father of F1 females, and they in turn gave the healthy and breeding offspring F2. And from the very beginning, the Bengal cat breed has caused a stormy recognition of the general public.

Already in 1991, these polished beauties participatedin the championship of the felinological organization TICA, and in 1998 - ACFA. And not only among specialists they were popular. Among the sympathies of the public, they also beat all records of a Bengal cat. Photos of these kitties were on the first pages of glossy magazines, prices for animals have increased incredibly. Particularly valuable were the fourth-generation hybrids, who still have a “wild” leopard color.

What are these Bengals?They are distinguished from ordinary cats by long legs like those of a ballerina. Their head is small, with rounded, high-set ears. Amber piercing eyes shine on a gray-yellow or golden-red background of the main color. An obligatory sign is large dark spots scattered on the sides and back. But the belly should be white, as well as the chin and chest. Bengal cat breed depending on the habitat of the ancestors has different size and weight. If an ancestor was a cat caught in the Ussuri taiga, pets will reach a weight of seven kilograms, and the southern jungle savages noticeably “shrink”.

Bengal cat breed Price
If the individual F1 does not adapt to societyhuman, sullen and shy, then the hybrids are real home favorites. They are gentle, playful, love affection, but at the same time they love to hunt. They get along perfectly with dogs and challenge their right to walk on a leash. Representatives of this breed have a very unusual “voice”. It can be compared with cooing or chirping than with a purr. The white suit and color under the snow leopard are especially valued on the market. But the real proof of pedigree is not a suit, but the notorious gloss of wool - the glitter effect. Only such a Bengal cat is allowed to enter the competition. The price for a cub varies depending on the class: a show instance - $ 3000, a breed class - $ 2000, a pet-animal - $ 1300.