baby teeth in children

The baby has not yet come into the world, and dentures are already developing in his gums. Everything that is connected with the teeth is very important for every person, and therefore requires attention from childhood.

Baby teeth begin to appear in children up toyear, at a time when the baby is three or four months old. But there are exceptions, when the first teeth are shown only by the year. Everyone has different ways, but by the age of one and a half, as a rule, the child has more than a dozen teeth.

With the advent of teeth, the baby begins more readilybite solid food, although it is not yet able to chew it thoroughly and for a long time. This circumstance must be taken into account when solid products are given. Although there are teeth, the child can bite off a piece, but then spit it out without chewing. The reason for this is that it just gets tired of chewing, and the maximum that can do is to overpower two pieces of solid food. All the rest parents will have to grind. It is important to know that the ability to chew solid foods depends not on the number of teeth, but on how well the chewing muscles are developed. And baby teeth in children develop much faster than the above-mentioned muscle groups.

Milk teeth in children, the number of which is 2.5years already reaches 20, require careful care. After all, they, like the indigenous ones, are prone to tooth decay. This in turn can lead to many problems. For example, a sick tooth will have to be removed, which means that all standing nearby will begin to gradually join. This greatly complicates the eruption of new molars. In addition, dental diseases lead to a malfunction in the digestive tract and to the appearance of such diseases as gastritis, colitis and even ulcer. The reason for the timely treatment of dental caries is that all processes, including painful ones, occur much faster in these teeth than in the molars. And because a sick baby tooth can completely collapse in a short time.

Milk teeth in children should be the object of close attention, because of their development and health, much depends on the baby's body.

The first teeth largely determineposition of molars. There is such a thing as a right or wrong bite. All violations of this need to be identified as early as possible to make it easier to correct the bias in the bite. Ideally, even if there are no problems with the teeth, the child should be led to the dentist to check the condition of the teeth and bite, it should be about once every six months. It is also necessary to prevent caries and hygiene of the oral cavity. All this contributes to the fact that baby teeth in children will be healthy.

In the period from 6 to 12 years, fallout occursmilk teeth in children. This is a special event, both for the baby and for his parents, because it says that the child begins to grow up. In addition, it's interesting, and a little chelovek is always aware of how many teeth he had, and how many of his friends. The process of falling out is absolutely painless, and often quite sudden.

After the fall of the dairy, in its place beginspenetrate the root tooth. And if there are no shifts until the age of 7, then it is also necessary to consult a pediatric dentist. The problem can be that the molars will start to make their way, without waiting for the dairy to fall out, and becoming in the second row. If the lack of a shift process is started and nothing is done for two months, then serious enough shifts may occur. Here you need to know that teething can be delayed due to a recent illness, which again suggests that without experienced counseling is indispensable. Because only a doctor can tell if it's worth worrying or not in one or another situation.

The most important of all of the above is that you should not forget to visit a dentist already from an early age, and serious problems can be successfully avoided.