Rural women - a considerable part of our populationthe planets. They play a leading role in food production, as well as in the development of stability in suburban areas. In order to support these “shock workers”, the International Day of Rural Women was organized. Their important contribution to the life of society must undoubtedly be appreciated at its true worth!
International Day of Rural Women - reminding people of the value of their work
So, this holiday - thanksthe fair sex for what they do. The International Day of Rural Women is called upon to remind the people around them at least once a year how important their work is.

And the idea of holding this holiday inBeijing in 1995 at a conference convened by the United Nations. It was decided to celebrate the International Day of Rural Women every year on October 15.
Holiday roots go far
It would seem that this event appeared not so long ago.Nevertheless, its roots go far away ... Since ancient times, it was the women - mothers and wives who held the economy in their hands. They kept the keys to the house, kept records of flour, straw and hay. Under their supervision were pets.
За всю историю человечества больших и маленьких villages affected many reorganizations. Accordingly, they affected women. In the war and post-war time, for example, they took upon themselves an unbearable burden, restoring their land, their villages ... It was not at all easy ...
In short, the International Day of Rural Women urges others to respect all that they have been doing for many years, and what they continue to do today.

Promotions and events - what is necessary for the heroes of the occasion
Various problems of the representatives of the beautifulsex, living in the village, are an important and very serious issue. Many of them are decided on this holiday. These include poverty, insufficient mechanization in production, lack of automation, etc.
In addition, the heroes of the occasion need moreRelax on the International Day of Rural Women. Pictures and photographs presented at specially organized various exhibitions, festive concerts, performances of national pop stars - all this is intended for them!
It would seem that the weaker sex ... However, whatever siderural life you may have taken, women work everywhere! They are not only engaged in life, upbringing, education, service. They are also forced to take on crop and livestock production, as well as various forms of small business. These include bakeries, mini-factories for the repair or tailoring of shoes and clothing, and various private companies ... All this, of course, deserves any encouragement.
On this day, various gatherings of citizens, meetings of women's councils and various unions are often organized, special seminars and round tables on topics relevant to rural workers are held.
Во многих регионах также появилась и ещё одна tradition. The organization of large fairs, to which villagers bring various products, has become a very popular event. Here you can buy homemade milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sausages, clothes, decorations and other goods.

The difficulties of rural women do not frighten
It goes without saying that everyone - both citizens and villageresidents - in life there are difficult times. Particularly brightly it affects those who live in the village. For example, in hot summer, a huge number of vegetable gardens and fields suffer. However, rural women find it possible to deal with these problems. They are doing everything possible, they are not afraid of anything.
Because at least once a year - October 15 - and worthdo something nice for the heroes of the occasion - the International Day of Rural Women. Congratulations, a gift, a surprise - all this will surely please our dear hardworking ladies!