/ / Toasts to the anniversary of the man. 60 years is the best age!

Toasts on the anniversary of a man. 60 years is the best age!

Every person is waiting for his birthday fromsinking of heart. Gifts, fun, noisy company and delicious food - this is the key to a good holiday! But no celebration is complete without toast. Each guest wishes to express in words to the birthday man his congratulations and warm attitude towards him. Anniversary toasts are usually quite dry and with a bit of humor. But women are chosen refined words, more gentle and sentimental. But whatever the toast, the main thing - it is sincere and kind words.

The word is material

The toasts were made by the ancient people.But then this ritual looked a little different. There was water in the glass that the speaker raised before giving a speech. He charged this liquid in his own words, with energy. After many years, the water was replaced by alcohol, but the purpose of the toast has not changed. And what the person wanted was usually done. Toast is a powerful message, an installation. Therefore, you need to carefully consider every word before raising a glass. Toasts in verses appeared relatively recently and gained enormous popularity. As soon as rhymes begin to sound, it becomes clear that the person prepared in advance. It is nice to hear such a toast to both the birthday man and the guests.

toasts on the anniversary of a man 60 years

The main thing - do not get lost

Making a toast is a must foreach of the guests. Handing a gift, be sure to say a few words. But not all people are eloquent. Yes, and the constraint takes its toll. Thoughts are confused in the head, some begin to stumble, jump from one to another. A 60-year-old toast to a man must be thought out in advance so as not to find himself in a comical situation. There is a way to avoid embarrassing situations. You can write your toast in a beautiful card and read the expression at the table. The birthday will preserve this piece of art as a keepsake, and the congratulator will be pleased. But there is a category of people who love to say toasts. They just do not stop. Everything needs a measure, so one or two congratulations for the evening will be enough.

anniversary toasts

Nice words

It's not so easy to pick up toasts for an anniversaryto the man. 60 years old is a great age, with retirement a new round in life begins. Calm, rest, travel, beloved cottage. Some representatives of this age are dipped headlong into raising their grandchildren. Therefore, you need to want everything and a lot!

Today you are only 60,

A man just like hot cakes!

I raise my glass,

Together with me and the whole room.

For grandchildren and wealth drank,

For career growth, for finances,

For longevity, for bucks.

What to wish you, I do not know

From life, everyone wants his

I wish you good luck

So that was a lot and everything!

toasts hero of 60 years

If you do not want to read poems, you can pick up words that come from the heart:

  • "Some believe that life ends at 60.This is absolutely not true. Every year a person grows wiser, gains confidence, achieves success. Let's drink to ensure that our hero of the day still does it 60 times. "
  • "I raise this glass of dry sweet wine for the hero of the day! Let your life be as sweet, but not dry! And full of events and fun, like this wine!"
  • "Дорогой друг, в твоей жизни есть все, о чем only you can dream. Family, wealth, home. I want to wish you to take care of all this and multiply! After all, not everyone in life had such happiness. Keep all this and do not get old! "

Such toasts on the anniversary will suit both the best friend, and colleague, and brother.

Wishes and Instructions

An adult man usually has nothing to desire.In 60 years, a person usually has a family, wealth, their housing and car. Of course, there are exceptions, but the majority of men of this age already possess all of the above. To wish for health is trite. It is better to pick up neutral wishes and toasts to the hero of the day. 60 years is just the middle of life.

toast in verse

In the snowy lands they say:“10,000 km is not a distance, 100 deer is not a herd, 50 degrees is not frost, 60 years is not age. It really is! After all, even in 60 years we are naive and believe in miracles. Stay the same kind, tender and in my heart 18-year-old guy! ”

Collective congratulatory

Holiday is a day of surprises!Agree with the guests in advance and prepare a collective toast. Learn each one in a line and in a chain say a few pleasant words to the birthday man. It turns out something like a small skit. All guests will be involved, and such a greeting would be doubly pleasant to the hero of the occasion. Pick up simple toasts for the anniversary of a 60-year-old man, better if these are verses. So everyone present will quickly remember one line.

Happy birthday, we congratulate you!

The bell rang sixty,

These years honorary medal

On the chest of your powerful shine.

It does not matter that the whiskey silver,

The spirit and youth pyshut rush.

We congratulate you all warmly,

Respect your whole family!

toasts on the anniversary of a man 60 years

Be sure to prepare your toast in advance, and if you want to add something else, do not skimp on the words. It's so important to hear only sincere, soulful words on your holiday.

Let the beautiful toasts to the anniversary of a man sound, 60 years is the beginning of a new, interesting life!