/ / Spandex - a fabric with unique properties

Spandex - a fabric with unique properties

Spandex is nothing more than synthetic lightweight fiber. Use it in the manufacture of clothing. The main feature of things sewn with its use is their ability to stretch.

The history of the appearance and composition of spandex

For the first time to use this synthetic fiber began in the fifties of the last century. It was intended to replace the rubber. Gradually, new uses were found for this fabric.

Spandex fabric (photo see below) is a synthetic polymer in structure.

spandex fabric

The fibers of this material are a long chain of polyglycol combined with diisocyanate. At the same time, the composition of the synthetic polymer is eighty-five percent polyurethane.

Properties of synthetic fibers

Unusually elastic spandex.The fabric, consisting of its fibers, stretches to five hundred percent of its length. This elasticity is manifested due to the chemical composition of the material. It consists of numerous polymer threads of two types. The first of them are amorphous and long. The threads of the second type are tight and short. All these properties and shows spandex. The fabric created from it is highly durable and stretches well.

The main characteristics of the material spandex

Fabric, made of synthetic polymerthreads may be stretched more than once. However, it will always return its original shape and size. Spandex, the fabric of which is smooth and soft, easily dyed. Color on the material persists for a long time. Spandex fiber fabric does not respond to sweating. Its distinctive feature is that it is not heated. Spandex combines perfectly with a variety of materials. This allows you to produce new types of fabrics.

fabric spandex photo
Rarely found material consisting of one hundredpercent of spandex. As a rule, this polymer fiber is added to cotton, linen or synthetic materials. Spandex gives them stretchability and greater strength.

Fabrics that contain syntheticpolymer fiber, easy to maintain. They barely crumple and iron well. Some manufacturers, who call the fabric they produce spandex, exaggerate. In the composition of such materials there is only a certain percentage of this synthetic fiber. However, this allows several times to increase the consumer properties of the fabric.

There are materials that consist entirely of threads.spandex. In order to identify such materials in order to properly care, you must carefully study the label. The fabric, which consists entirely of spandex fibers, resembles soft rubber in its properties. This material is not wrinkled, and the body fits like a second skin.

What is spandex used for?

Lightweight and elastic fabric is used when sewing various clothes. As a rule, these are things that should not limit the movement of its owner.

spandex fabric Price

Например, спортивный костюм.This fabric is used when sewing swimsuits, bicycle trousers, underwear, bras and stockings. Fancy dresses are also often sewn from such material as spandex. Fabric, the price of which is within 135 rubles per square meter, is usually purchased in wholesale warehouses.