/ / Can I get pregnant with heels: find the answer to the question of interest

Can pregnant women walk on their heels: we will find the answer to the question of interest

When a woman is waiting for a baby, she watches closelyfor his health: takes vitamins, nutritionally balanced, walks in the open air, etc. At the same time, the future mother always encounters bans and superstitions that cause a lot of questions. For example: "Can I go to a funeral for pregnant women?", "Can I eat black chocolate?", Etc. Some of them are only prejudices, but others have a specific medical justification. Can pregnant women wear heels? This question interests many girls. Now let's try to figure it out.

Can pregnant women wear heels

Influence on legs and spine

Since the weight during the carrying of the babyThe load on the legs also increases. When we stand on the studs, the fulcrum is transferred from the foot to the heads of the bones. This adversely affects the ligaments, stability and ankle joint. In the future, such a redistribution of body weight shifts the center of gravity, which increases the load on the spine and creates a deflection in the lumbar region. Of course, the muscles of the legs and pelvis tense considerably more than before.

Can pregnant women wear heels?

For this period it is better to abandonlike shoes. Hormonal changes lead to the fact that in the first months the muscles relax and the body weight increases. These factors can cause varicose veins and other ailments, and the heel will only aggravate the situation. In addition, there is a significant increase in the likelihood of edema, trauma and back pain.

Shoes with heels: how does it affect the position of the child?

Due to the fact that the studs change the fulcrum,even more belly bulges out. Regular wearing can lead to a change in the position of the uterus and, of course, the baby. Such dislocations can cause complications during childbirth.

Can I go to a funeral for pregnant women?

Can pregnant women wear heels in the early stages?

It is possible, but only in the first trimester, when the weight and abdomen still slightly changed. But even in this case it is necessary to think correctly, so as not to risk your own health and the future child.

First of all, high-heeled shoespostpone, since it is traumatic. Better choose stable models. If you had to shoe uncomfortable shoes, then in a couple of hours, be sure to remove them. Then make a charge for the feet, so that such a load does not lead to the development of pathologies.

How to choose the right shoes?

At any time you need to refuse to purchase winterhigh-heeled boots. Pregnant on the stiletto in the ice - a real extreme. This is very dangerous both for the baby and for the mother. Remember that your shoes should be comfortable, comfortable and not slippery. Note that during the period of gestation, the legs may slightly swell, so choose a new dress better in the evening.

high-heeled shoes

Pay attention to the clasp. Will you be comfortable with your tummy? Of course, it is desirable to buy models from natural leather, so that your feet do not sweat and do not slide inside the shoes.

So, can pregnant women wear heels? Yes, you can, but they should be low. The most important thing is that shoes are quality and sustainable.