/ / Tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Tonus of the uterus during pregnancy

Uterus in the body of a woman is the mainThe body responsible for the normal development of future offspring. From her condition depends the ability of a woman to procreate. The structure of the uterus can be represented in the form of three layers:

  1. Endometrium (mucous layer)
  2. Myometrium (composed of muscles)
  3. External (is a thin film that is covered by the uterus)

The muscular layer of the uterus periodically decreases, sohow this ability is necessary for the implementation of the birth process in a natural way, so any gynecologist tracks the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. In cases where often the contraction of the walls of the uterus, it is customary to talk about hypertension - too active activity of the uterus. During childbirth, hypertension is considered a positive phenomenon, since frequent contraction of the walls of the uterus seems to push the fetus, which facilitates and accelerates the birth process. However, this phenomenon during pregnancy adversely affects the condition of the fetus and can lead to the termination of pregnancy.

The tonus during pregnancy rises due toeffects of different causes. For example, if a pregnant woman gets a lot of stress, that is, the nervous system is in a restless state. And if earlier it held back the walls of the uterus from excessive contractions, now it might simply not be in time to fulfill this function. Tone in pregnant women becomes palpable in the last trimester, when the nervous system begins to increase excitability, and as a result, the contraction of the walls of the uterus.

Increased tonus in women at an early agepregnancy may occur due to an inadequate release of a hormone called progesterone. Most often, progesterone is produced in less quantity, when the woman has an elevated level of male hormones, which block progesterone. Due to the lack of this hormone, the uterus can not develop normally, so it does not grow evenly with the fetus. When the small uterus has to stretch, the muscle layer begins to contract, trying to return to its previous state. Such activity can lead to miscarriage.

Tone of the uterus during pregnancy, by all meanswill increase if in the body of women such serious diseases as, for example, a tumor or any other inflammatory or hormonal illness begin to develop. A woman who is late in pregnancy may experience an increased tone. As a rule, in such cases the activity is caused by too much stretching of the uterine walls in case of polyhydramnios or multinodalities. This can happen even if the fetus actively develops and becomes sufficiently large. These situations can not be ignored, as they can lead to premature pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly consult with the attending physician and undergo all scheduled examinations.

The increased tone of the uterus can manifest itself in the formpains in the lower abdomen and lower back. And in the third trimester, cramping pains and a hard belly are added to these symptoms. If these symptoms are present, it is not superfluous to have an unscheduled check with a specialist, since a negligent attitude can lead, if not to miscarriage, to complications in the development of the fetus. After all, strong contractions contribute to the detachment of the placenta, as a result of which oxygen and all the necessary substances come in a smaller volume.

Tonus of the uterus during pregnancy is diagnosedsimple and easy. Any obstetrician-gynecologist is able to determine the increased contraction of the uterine walls already with a simple examination. Of course, then there is confirmation of the diagnosis with ultrasound or tonicity - this is a special device that allows you to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, which is applied to the woman's tummy.