/ / Army Sleeping Bags: description, reviews

Army Sleeping Bags: description, reviews

Army sleeping bags have long been in demandlovers of extreme rest. Reliable and convenient, they help out hunters, fishermen, tourists, climbers and other people whose work or rest are associated with spending the night outside the house. The ability to sleep in a multi-day hike is an important part of the successful implementation of the task.

Army Bag

Army sleeping bags are designed to providerelatively comfortable accommodation in the field. For their production, high-quality durable fabric and reliable fittings are used. The seam can withstand a very high load. Lightning is made of a material whose special composition does not allow it to deform.

From the inside to the level of the knees in the bags there is a special easily washable fabric. This allows you to sleep without taking off your shoes, which is important in combat conditions.

army sleeping bags

Army sleeping bags optionalcomplete with a durable waterproof mat. It is filled with polyurethane foam and can serve as an excellent litter on the snow. Putting on him a sleeping bag on top, you can not be afraid for hypothermia. There is another function for the rug: it is an individual swimming device. The amount of filler is calculated in such a way as to keep one fighter on the surface.

Another advantage of army models is theprocessing products with a non-combustible composition. They can safely sleep at an open fire. That is why fishermen and hunters prefer to buy an army sleeping bag. The price for it, however, is higher than the usual tourist model (it can reach $ 200), but it's worth it.

Manufacturers are trying to improveThe existing models due to the use of more modern materials and original design solutions. There is no single standard for army sleeping bags. Each country develops models for its armed forces that are tailored to specific climatic conditions.


An army sleeping bag can be a"Sandwich", that is, consist of several elements, each of which in itself can be an autonomous unit of the fighter's outfit. It includes:

  • actually a sleeping bag;
  • warming fleece layer under the membrane coating (it can be easily fixed on the bag);
  • cover.

The entire construction is assembled and disassembled in a few minutes. Each part can be packed separately. The total weight in the assembled form does not exceed one kilogram.

 sleeping bag price

The second option is harder and more primitive.For the manufacture of an outer cover, polyurethane-treated nylon is used. On the perimeter on the buttons a sheet and a blanket are fastened to it. With the help of lightning, these bedding are transformed into a sleeping bag of rectangular shape. This model is heavier than a "sandwich".

For army sleeping bags, not only camouflage colors are used. Very widely used:

- green;

- Brown;

- whitish-buffy (steppe);

- beige with greyish-gray spots (mountains);

- cold green (swamp).

Non-colorful colors, well disguised as terrain, are preferred by most active rest lovers.


A tourist sleeping bag, like an army bag, can be of two main types:

  • Winter.Is able to ensure the preservation of heat at minus temperature. The marking of the bag indicates the temperature at which this product is calculated (usually this is in the range -15 ... -20 aboutFROM).
  • Summer. Designed for warm nights (min. +5 aboutFROM), much easier than winter, for a comfortable sleep in some models provides a mosquito sect.
    sleeping bag tourist

Army sleeping bags (winter) have several features (this is typical for most models):

  • on the warmed hood provides a practical and convenient system of tightening;
  • Velcro-Velcro with a zipper does not allow it to unfasten itself;
  • no through-sutures;
  • the outer fabric is impregnated with a water-repellent compound;
  • in unbuttoned form it can be used instead of a blanket;
  • the kit includes a compression bag, lightweight and durable, which allows you to keep your sleeping bag in a compressed state.

The form

Another classification according to the form:

  • Cocoon. Tightly fit body of a man, tapering to the bottom. According to tourists, it takes a little space, warm, light, there is a hood.
  • A blanket.Standard sleeping bag with a long zipper. He is heavy, voluminous. It can be undone and turned into an ordinary blanket. There is also an option where you can connect two blankets with a split zipper. This gives a two-seater warm bed.
  • Overalls.In this bag, there are "hands" and "legs". It looks like the most common overalls, but it is much bigger and warmer. Reviews say that the product does not constrain movements, it does not need to be removed, leaving the tent. This model is also called a sniper.
  • "Elephant's leg." It resembles a cocoon, but smaller in size and reaches half of the trunk (usually to the armpits). Comes with a jacket. Judging by the reviews, easy, convenient.
    sleeping bag reviews

Everyone chooses the most convenient formsleeping bag. Feedback on almost all options are positive. Consumers are advised to carefully select the "camp bed", taking into account all possible nuances.


Distinctive sleeping bags differ by filler:

  • Downy. Such a filling has a winter sleeping bag. Consumers assure that "down jackets" are light, compact, perfectly retain heat, they can withstand temperatures as low as -30 aboutC. Disadvantage: they easily absorb moisture, dry for a long time, and in time, down can get lost.
  • Synthesis. It is easier than downy, take up less space, is cheaper, but inferior in quality. According to feedback, the product will protect at a temperature not lower than -10 aboutC. Disadvantage: short-lived, too quickly deteriorates.
  • Silicone. Warm in a twenty-degree frost.This sleeping travel bag is popular. People say that these models are practical, convenient, easy. Poorly absorb moisture, perfectly erased. The disadvantage is a rather high price (about $ 250), but the quality justifies the costs.
    winter sleeping bag


With such a variety of forms, fillers andmaterials it is fashionable to choose the most suitable sleeping bag. The price in this case is not the main indicator. A cold night can badly affect health, which, as you know, can not be bought for money.

When choosing a sleeping bag, consider climatic andweather conditions. Also important are the range of the trip and the availability of transport (in the car you can take a bag and warmer, and heavier, and more), the frequency of use. To the avid nature-lovers, judging by the responses, it is better to purchase an army sleeping bag. Tourists say it is safer, more practical and more durable than the usual tourist, but heavier. Although civilian equipment can be found worthy models.