/ / Krasnoyarsk, maternity hospital 4: doctors, address and reviews

Krasnoyarsk, maternity hospital 4: doctors, address and reviews

A normal pregnancy in a woman lasts about 40weeks. The date of delivery may slightly shift two or three weeks down or up. When the future mother sees two cherished stripes on the dough, she doesn’t immediately think about such mundane things as choosing a maternity hospital, a doctor, a way of giving birth or feeding. Images of funny crawlers and strollers, cute outlines of an unborn baby, and pleasant moments of joint leisure time rush through the head of a happy woman.

Krasnoyarsk maternity hospital 4

However, the closer the date, the clearer it comesthe realization that it is important to properly organize the first meeting with the long-awaited little man. It does not matter what city it is - Moscow or Sochi, St. Petersburg or Krasnoyarsk. A maternity hospital (4 points that are important to consider, a little further) must be chosen with all the responsibility and care.

What are the requirements for modern maternity hospital?

maternity hospital krasnoyarsk reviews

What should pay attention first of all?The practice of recent years shows that in the field of obstetrics cardinally changed methods and principles of work. A good maternity hospital friendly to the mother and her child should have the following criteria:

  • maximum naturalness of the birth process;
  • partnership childbirth;
  • counseling and assistance to women in childbirth when establishing breastfeeding;
  • mother and baby live in the same room immediately after his birth.

The state tries to adhere to suchprinciples of work in their medical institutions. An exception was not the city of Krasnoyarsk. Roddom 4 is an institution that meets all the requirements of modern medicine. It is equipped with the necessary equipment, qualified personnel, who will not only provide medical assistance, but also help to cope with the first difficulties, will tell and explain what and how to do to get it to pass at the highest level.

Maternity home specialization

maternity hospital Krasnoyarsk doctors

In addition to taking normal, uncomplicated labor,some institutions practice the management and successful resolution of complex cases. Most often such centers are located in large municipal districts, including Krasnoyarsk. Maternity hospital 4 successfully helps women with diseases of the respiratory system or tuberculosis. As you know, during pregnancy, the body is under tremendous pressure, the gradual development of the fetus leads to failure of all organs. In later periods, the expectant mother experiences back pain, swelling, problems with digestion and peristalsis, and of course, difficulty breathing. The situation is even more difficult if there were problems with the lungs or respiratory tract. During labor, proper breathing exercises can greatly facilitate and facilitate the process. 4 maternity hospital (Krasnoyarsk), doctors working there, will always come to the rescue and leave only the best memories of their stay in the institution.

Is it true that the fourth hospital was closed?

In the summer of 2015, this medical institutionshut down for repairs. In its course, many results have been achieved. At this time, many thought that the hospital was closed or moved, but the address of the 4 maternity hospitals in Krasnoyarsk remained the same. As the management of the institution reported, not only personnel, to whom the working conditions were greatly facilitated, but every woman in labor will notice improvements. The first days the baby needs the most comfortable conditions (warmth, comfort), because he did a lot of work and completely changed his habitat. In order for mothers to have the opportunity to show all their tenderness and care, they are provided with excellent conditions - uninterrupted supply of hot and cold water, a good sewer system, heat, achieved through the repair of the roof of the entire building. Also carried out internal work, which included the replacement of doors, redecoration. All these advantages positively characterize 4 maternity hospitals (Krasnoyarsk). Reviews of moms who have been there confirm how good it is, especially in comparison with many other institutions.

Individual chambers. Is it worth spending money?

Even at the stage of pregnancy a woman canindependently organize the future process of childbirth. If she found the best option for herself Krasnoyarsk, maternity hospital 4, then it is necessary to agree in advance with the chief doctor. In this case, there will be a mark in the exchange card, and a woman in labor without any questions will be accepted in the place she needs at any time of the day. With an ordinary admission, a woman is placed in the general ward, where one or two pregnant women can while away the time with her. It is noteworthy that the maternity hospital departed from the sad practice of old years gave birth to several people. Now, every woman in labor has the right to rely on an individual attitude, the maximum attention of obstetricians, and even to take with her personal belongings, to listen to music, if that makes it easier for her. In addition, the paid room of the maternity hospital 4 in Krasnoyarsk is the possibility of being alone with the baby from the first minutes. Mom and child have so much to learn about each other, and it is best when it happens tete-a-tete. Maternity hospital 4, Krasnoyarsk - photo of chambers, information about doctors, equipment, services provided - all information is publicly available.

Maternity hospital 4 Krasnoyarsk photo

Settlement in such chambers is available to anyoneI agree to pay for their convenience. It is important that the money does not go into the pockets of an enterprising doctor. Payment is documented, which is a guarantee of a good attitude, the convenience of the mother and purposefully goes to the improvement of the hospital.

What you need to take to give birth?

paid chambers of maternity hospital 4 in Krasnoyarsk

Starting from the seventh month of pregnancy, childbirth canhappen without complications for mom and her baby. Such a course of pregnancy and early delivery does not fit into the norm, but it happens everywhere, so from this period one should listen very carefully to feelings, to the fetus. Along the way, it is worthwhile to collect an alarming briefcase. It is better to be prepared in advance so that in case of anything, not to run in a hurry, and even more so - not to trust such an important matter to her husband.

Медикаменты, которые понадобятся при родах, The hospital usually takes care of it, but it is better to consult a doctor in advance. You can spend quite a long time in the antenatal ward, so you need to take drinking water there, simple cookies, if you want to eat, slippers and a bathrobe, which is easy to take off. It is not forbidden to carry a mobile phone or music player. During the mystery of the birth of the baby a woman is dressed in a disposable shirt and a cap. They are sterile, and besides, there is no fear of getting dirty. In the puerperal ward, you can put on your personal belongings, the main thing is that they are cotton and clean. The same applies to the clothes of visitors, which can come to the newborn and mother in the office hours. It is necessary to take care of hygiene products, removable underwear.

In advance you need to prepare things and accessories,which will be needed after the birth of the child (several sets of clothes, diapers and baby wipes, cream, powder and baby bottle, a warm blanket).

List of required documents

Address 4 maternity hospital in Krasnoyarsk

In no case should not forget about the documents.This list includes a passport and an exchange card containing information about the mother and child (ultrasound results, screenings, analyzes). In the case when a partner is present with a woman, his documents will also be needed. In addition to identification, I need a certificate of health, without it, the department simply will not be allowed.

Are they allowed to make a video about the birth of a baby?

where is 4 maternity hospital in krasnoyarsk

By prior arrangement there isthe possibility of photo and video delivery and discharge. Such significant for each family cadres should be in any archive, because today not every couple decides on two or more children. Every instant spent with a beloved little lump requires sealing. The same opinion is shared by the maternity hospital 4 (Krasnoyarsk). Photos of kids and people who helped him come into the world are irrefutable proof of good work and care for all the kids. And their number during the existence of the institution exceeded 100 thousand.

How to find the hospital number 4 in Krasnoyarsk?

maternity hospital 4 Krasnoyarsk

To get into the hands of great professionals,To give birth in a modern medical center, which, however, has a state form of ownership, you need to know where the 4th maternity hospital in Krasnoyarsk is located. It is located on Ustinovich street, 7. At any time, you can contact the administration by phone number (391) -224-42-61.