Raising a child is a responsible taskassociated with the solution of many controversial issues. And if the parents lack experience, then at any moment they can go for the help of kindergarten teachers.
What are the main tasks of working with parents?
Any advice for parents preparatoryGroups are one of the main areas of work of a tutor. In order for the interaction to be complete, the following conditions must work:
- opportunity during the meeting to study and summarize the experience of education;
- ongoing counseling for parents of the preparatory group helps to increase the pedagogical culture of parents of preschoolers;
- introduction of preschool children parents to kindergarten activities, joint search for effective forms of work.
How to implement the tasks assigned to preschool institutions for the GEF
Be sure to tutor compiled a specialthe program, which involves the indication of promising activities with moms and dads kids. It contains all the consultations for the parents of the preparatory group, the topics of such meetings, the schedule of their holding. The following main points should be indicated in the educational program:
- ways to implement the development of knowledge, skills, abilities of preschoolers;
- application of measures to preserve and promote the health of babies.
How to plan work with parents in kindergarten
The plan must contain themes.counseling for parents of DOW, they are discussed at the organizational meeting. In order for everyone to have information about the work of an educator, each group has its own corner of “propaganda of pedagogical knowledge”. This stand contains information about the activities planned by the tutor, for example, the dates of open classes, where parents can attend and watch the progress of their children. For example, counseling for parents of the older group should contain information about the features of preparing children for school. Special folders that are in the corner of each educational group, contain a selection of teaching materials, compiled by child psychologists.
Notebooks of individual activities
Work with younger preschoolers
Work with older preschoolers
На протяжении всего учебного года логопед, medical worker, psychologist also conduct individual consultations for parents of the older group. The main goal is not only the formation of simple skills such as orientation in space or time, but also the correct behavior in the society of their peers.
Features of the preparatory groups
На протяжении всего учебного года в каждой группе exhibitions are organized on the visual activity of children, in which not only preschoolers themselves take part, but also their parents. For example, the name of the exhibition may be the following: “We draw with mom”, “Winter sit-round gatherings with dad”. Parents willingly take part in such activities, while they find common interests, the importance and value of family education increases.
Ways to find effective cooperation with parents
Events like open doors alsoThey are popular, because during their conduction there is an opportunity to come to a group with your child, attend classes, and talk with specialists working in kindergarten. Feedback is also important, that is, feedback from parents on the work of educators. For this purpose, there are special books of records and recommendations available in each group.
How to preserve the health of preschoolers
Among the important tasks that are setkindergarten teachers, you need to highlight the preservation of children's health. That is why the program of any educator includes a consultation on the GEF for parents about strengthening the body, the formation of skills for a healthy lifestyle. Many kindergarten workers in their groups make corners, filling them with special methodological literature, after reading which, parents receive useful information related to the health of their children.
Physical education of preschoolers
In order for children to grow up healthy, in eachthe kindergarten has a special instructor in physical education. He has a program for hardening, strengthening the body of preschoolers, their physical development. In addition to constant consultations, conversations with parents about the prevention of colds, the importance of playing sports, nutritional value, various joint activities are also expected. Among such activities can be noted traditional holidays: "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family", "To charge the whole crowd". Friendly meetings between teams of parents and a team of caregivers of the children's institution will also be very helpful. The most interesting events can be taken on video, photos are taken, this material is used to design information corners.
An interesting experience is a joint access to the ski run, hiking in the pool, on the nature. Of course, caregivers are trying to help parents find a common language with children.
Summing up
Regardless of which group of kindergarten your child is in, the caregiver has a special program, thanks to which the harmonious development of the personality is carried out.
Особое внимание в любом детском саду уделяется preservation and strengthening of health, unleashing of creative potential, as well as the formation of a sense of patriotism. Those parents who are truly interested in the development of their preschoolers take an active part in all meetings, creative meetings, individual conversations. They themselves try to get in touch with the tutor, to be interested in some theoretical issues related to education.
Мама и папа могут сами предлагать педагогам темы for parenting activities, to develop together extracurricular activities, to help with the organization and conduct of excursions, various educational events. Only joint activities are the key to the full development of preschoolers, their confident preparation for school. In this case, a full-fledged member of society will stride towards the trials that are coming throughout life.