/ / How to stimulate childbirth: ways and recommendations

How to stimulate childbirth: ways and recommendations

how to stimulate childbirth
Pregnant women often hear about stimulationchildbirth. If the cervix of the uterus does not open and the future mommy has weak labor activity, then such a procedure is necessary. How to stimulate childbirth, what are the ways? After reading this article, you will learn the answers to these questions.

Is it necessary to stimulate childbirth?

When the expected date of delivery has long passed, and the process does not begin, the doctors decide - to stimulate. There are two ways - artificial and natural stimulation.

The natural way

If already 40 weeks have passed, then somesimple actions can speed up the process. But before you act, consult your doctor. The most common methods are walking on stairs, washing the floors with a mop, long walks. During these processes, the child presses on the cervix, and it begins to unfold. It is impossible to resort to these actions if the gestation period is less than 40 weeks, in case of presence of gestosis and chronic diseases, with complications during pregnancy.

whether it is necessary to stimulate childbirth
Artificial ways

How to stimulate delivery of oxytocin?

Such a procedure may be carried out only inhospital. Oxytocin is a hormone, it is important for labor, as it strengthens the process of contractions. The drug is administered most often intravenously, with the help of droppers, sometimes and intramuscularly - injections.

What stimulates labor in the hospital?

When the fights began, but later the entire birthactivity stopped, the introduction of oxytocin will help to resume the process. Together with the hormone, an anesthetic is also introduced, since new contractions are much more painful than previous ones. The hormone is not used if a woman has placenta previa, the position of the fetus does not correspond to the norms, the narrow pelvis and other pathologies. And also, if the woman in labor had previously had a cesarean section.

How to stimulate prostaglandin birth?

If the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth, it is fraughtcomplications for both the mother and the baby. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant consequences, a prostaglandin is administered to a woman - they will contribute to the maturation of the cervix. In the maternity hospital of the future mother, a gel or a candle is introduced into the neck canal. After a while the neck becomes softer. Do not be afraid for the baby - this drug does not penetrate through the amniotic fluid, so it will not harm the baby. Do not use this method for women who have diabetes, thyroid disease, and after cesarean.

than stimulate childbirth in the hospital
Amnitomy - what is this?

If a woman overpowers pregnancy, orThe placenta condition worsened, then the amniotic fluid is pierced. When a future mother has gestosis or a high probability of a rhesus-conflict, doctors sometimes recommend this procedure. Do not be afraid, because the process is painless and safe. A medical crochet captures the bladder, and there is an outflow of water. This method intensifies the contractions and starts the labor activity. If nothing happened within 12 hours, the doctors will do a cesarean section.

How to stimulate childbirth itself - the "grandmother's method"

In no case should you drink castor oil, squat and do heavy physical exercises - everything can end in intensive care. Going to the steam room also does not help, but it will do much harm.