/ / Hanlon's razor is a tool for cutting off stupidity from stupidity.

Hanlon's razor - a tool for cutting off cunning from stupidity

Razor, blade, blade since ancient times are consideredsymbol of sharpness of mind. Foolishness is often called dullness and is associated with a wooden deck or other objects that are unable to cut through all sorts of complex matter in one fell swoop. Penetration into the very essence of the problem, its “surgical” understanding and subsequent healing - these are the true vocation of both the scalpel and the intellect.

hanlon razor

Hearing the expression "Hanlon's Razor", a manthe uninitiated may think that this is a special device designed to remove bristles from the surface of the face. Far from it, this phrase means not a material object. This is the statement of the famous American writer Robert Anson Highline, which gained fame thanks to the second part of the book on the Murphy Laws published in 1980. Translated from English, its essence lies in the call not to seek sophisticated deceit and cunning, where there is only nonsense. So the story goes not about how to shave with a razor ...

Why a razor? And why Hanlon? Let's start from the end.Henlon - in fact, the same Highline, only the transcription is different. The author of many stories and novels himself had nothing against it being so called, it is still difficult to confuse, he is too well known. Together with Asimov and Clark, Highline is one of the “big three” best American fiction writers.

razor blade

Now about why the catch expression is giventhe name "Hanlon's razor". The exact interpretation of this phrase during the life of its author was not given. Perhaps this is good, a certain mystery has always been considered an indispensable attribute of the writer, especially science fiction. In addition, the lack of explanations gives freedom for independent reflection and approval, and this is also a creative process.

The most likely version isaccording to which Hanlon's razor should be prepared by every reasonable person, as they say, "in your pocket." This is in case of a non-standard situation, when it is not clear whether some florid lunge is committed against him, entailing unpleasant consequences, or the incident is the fruit of someone's stupidity, which, as is well known, unlike reason, has no limits.

how to shave a razor

Oriental sage once noticed that the trickreplaces fools mind, and weak force. Hanlon's razor cuts off with its sharp cutting edge all their weapons with which they are trying, and often not without success, to resist a community of intelligent people, but disunited, and sometimes, alas, helpless against perfidy, even the most stupid and primitive.

However, the very idea of ​​denying the existence of a conspiracy andexplanations for failure by simple incompetence were known before Highline, he simply formulated it in a clear and modern language. Napoleon Bonaparte sometimes had to restrain some of his commanders who saw the causes of military embarrassment in espionage and treason, while they consisted of their own mistakes. And in the Soviet Union for a long time, it was decided, on the contrary, to assume malicious intent among those who did something wrong or did something. By stupidity ...

Modern Russian writer Pelevin also gave his version of the Hanlon razor, in which he claims that it is not the secret lodges, but the obvious crap that rules the world.