/ / How to feed a German Shepherd puppy, rules and features

How to feed a German Shepherd puppy, rules and features

Probably not a man who has not heard ofsheepdogs. These animals guard the border and look for people under the rubble, accompany the blind and smell drugs, persecute criminals and brilliantly play in the movies. And shepherd dogs are great watchmen and become loyal and loyal friends. This breed is one of the most popular in the world. But to grow an excellent dog, you need to follow certain rules. This especially applies to food. The owner must know exactly how to feed the puppy shepherd, and strictly follow the recommendations.

One of the characteristics of German shepherds is thatthey are rapidly gaining weight. A newborn baby doubles in 10 days of his life, and triples by three weeks. A five-month-old, properly contained puppy should have half the adult weight, which varies from 30 to 40 kg in males and 22-32 kg in bitches. Naturally, during such an intensive increase in mass, the skeleton is formed intensively. Therefore, the nutrition of the growing puppy should be as balanced as possible.

But the rule, how to feed a puppy, includes not onlydiet, but also diet. Usually up to a month of babies feeds the mother, so it is important to provide good nutrition for the bitch. From month shepherd puppies begin to eat independently. During this period, the food they have six times. After 10 pm to give the baby food is not recommended. From 1.5 months they are transferred to four meals a day, from three - they are fed three times a day, and from six months - only twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Only if the dog was doing a lot of physical activity, is another feeding added to it. Determine that she ate, you can by behavior. A hungry animal, emptying the bowl, will not move away from it, but will continue to lick. So, the next time you need to increase the portion. But you can not overfeed the dog too.

The second rule is how to feed a German puppyShepherd dog, is that his bowl should not stand on the floor, because in this case the dog has a hump, and the pelvis is raised up. The bowl must be on a level with the muzzle, that is, the height of the stand with the growth of the pet increases.

Food offered to a pet should be warm. Strongly chilled or heated food leads to diseases of the digestive system, and sometimes to the death of the animal.

Now about the diet.It must be high-calorie and nutritious, contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. If the puppy grows on ready-made feeds, you need to select them only of the highest grades, since the first and second grade feeds do not give the growing organism all the necessary substances. It is important when feeding ready-made foods to give your puppy plenty of water so as not to burn his stomach walls.

How to feed a puppy, if you cookon your own? First, the proportion of proteins in the diet should not be below 30%. If this is not adhered to, the dog will grow weak and its body will not be sufficiently developed. The source of proteins is meat and its derivatives. Secondly, the diet should include raw and boiled vegetables, fruits, boiled eggs, cottage cheese, dairy products, cereals, greens, tops of radish, beets, turnips, boiled water nettle, black bread. Porridge is better to cook from a mixture of cereals. So dogs eat more willingly.

How to feed a puppy meat?Babies older than 1.5 months are given boiled and cut rabbit and chicken, as well as raw beef. It is better not to give stuffing, because it sticks together in the stomach and because of this it is poorly digested. It is also better not to give offal to 4 months, and the liver needs to be boiled even for adult dogs in order to avoid infection with worms. When the puppy is 1.5 months old, you can give him raw beef meat. At five months they need to be replaced by ribs, since at this age pups have very strong molars. They will already be able to crush bones, so sharp splinters will injure the mouth, throat and stomach. At the age of 4 months, meat in the morning or evening menu can be replaced by fish. Sea is better to give raw, to keep it nutrients. River fish can be given only heat-treated.

How to feed a puppy vegetables?Carrots, white cabbage and sea kale, beets, onions, rutabaga, cucumbers, pumpkin, sweet peppers should be included in the diet, as they are sources of trace elements. All vegetables can be boiled, only potatoes should be given raw, as the boiled one is poorly digested. Carrots can be boiled, and can be given raw, ground it on a grater and mixed with sunflower oil. Tomatoes must be included in the menu because they play an important role in cleaning teeth. Legumes from the diet should be eliminated altogether. As an antihelminthic and a source of vitamins, it is desirable to give the puppies a small clove of garlic every day.

Конечно, очень важно добавлять в рацион витамины.The best source of calcium is crushed egg shell. Two-month puppies give her half a teaspoon. When the age reaches 4 months, the dose should be equal to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Another source of vitamins is honey. It is added to milk by 1 teaspoon, starting from two months. Also, crushed grains of sprouted wheat and other cereals are added to the diet. Bone meal is also a good supplement, which is poured into a separate bowl for the puppy to eat whenever he wants. Brewer's yeast, which are added to the diet, according to the enclosed instructions, bring considerable benefits.