/ / What time does the baby start walking? The most common parent question

What time does the child start walking? The most common parent question

All young parents, as soon as they appearfirstborn begin to ask a lot of questions related to its development. Many are interested in what time the child will start walking. Often, moms and dads like to compare the development of their own offspring with others - for example, someone who is already sitting at 6 months and who hasn't tried it yet. You should not do this, because we do not forget that the development of each child is individual, although there are generally accepted norms.

what time the child starts walking

Sample frames

Asked about what time a child iswill begin to walk, we will call a rather vague indicator - in the period from 9 to 15 months. On average, children begin to take their first steps at the age of one. By this time, parents are buying their first shoes, trying to help keep their balance. But it happens that the baby begins to move independently at 10 months, while relying on foreign objects. Other children can not get on their feet after the first birthday. This may be due to the structural features of the bones and tissues, and not to diseases. Do not worry, after a month or two the baby will definitely start running.

when the child starts walking

What can parents do

If after a year your child is not takingindependent attempts to stand on his feet, should help him in this matter. Come up with some kind of outdoor games that would make him move around the room, look for objects, get them from the shelves available for his growth. Gradually, the child will get used to such loads, and the period of adaptation will pass faster.

Find out more exactly what time the child startswalk, you can at the doctor. Based on the mental and physiological development of the baby, the expert will be able to make a certain conclusion. Although such data can not be completely accurate. The doctor will tell you only an approximate time, and the rest depends on your attitude to the child, the atmosphere in the house and other factors.

Possible problems

Часто преградой к первым шагам становятся недуги and various troubles. The stress experienced by the child can be a hindrance in this matter. After a fright or quarrel between adults in his presence, attempts to move may stop. In the head of a child they will be associatively associated with something bad, so he will stop walking for a while. It is difficult to answer the question of how much the baby begins to walk after such a pause. It all depends on his mental state and on the care that you will show about him.

what time does the baby start walking

Неплохие советы дает по поводу того, когда the child begins to walk, Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician. Strongly, he forbids "to teach" a kid to take steps. The fact is that all living organisms are able to independently learn everything, especially standard physiological processes. If the baby does not have rickets, then in any case he will go, first relying on foreign objects, then begin to walk autonomously. Do not hold his hands, help overcome obstacles - all this is inherent in his nature, and he will cope with everything himself.

Now you know roughly what time a childwill begin to walk, on what this phenomenon depends and how to speed up the process a little. The main thing - do not go too far, and then your child will grow up healthy, beautiful and full of energy.