/ / Swatch watch is always in a trend!

The Swatch watch is always in a trend!

Swatch watches have been using for 30 years nowdeserved popularity among the fashionable and fashionable women of the whole planet. Aggressive recognizable design, riot of colors, unusual characters on dials and belts, bold style are the characteristic signs of the brand, for which so many people love it.

The first "Swatch" watches went on sale in the distant 1983 year. The rise of their popularity was lightning-fast - a year later the number of copies sold reached one million pieces.

swatch clock

The brand owes its name to two simple English words: "Swiss" and "watch", which are translated as "Swiss watches".

Collections of watches. The long tradition of Swatch

Like the producers of expensive clothes, the Swatch factoryreleases new watch collections twice a year. And the company often arranges actions: produces a series of hours, timed to various events or dedicated to some sensational characters. Another favorite theme of Swatch is the creation of models that seem to return the buyer to the past. For example, watches in the style of hippies:

ladies watches swatch

Swatch watches always have a bold and even"Frivolous" design, but that's what gives them a complete hit in the trendy mainstream, which explains their huge popularity all over the world, which is why their sales grow from year to year!

However, in addition to catchy youth models, the Swatch line also contains a fairly laconic, monochrome clock (of course, in several color schemes - from strict black to acid ones):

watches women's sweaters

Famous "parents" of Swatch watches

In the design of watches "Swatch" takeparticipation the most creative and creative people of the planet: Christian Lacroix, Yoko Ono, Kiki Picasso, Robert Altman, Peter Gabriel, Jean-Michel Jarre, Pedro Almodovar and others.

Watch Swatch. Women's models

These models differ from men's smaller onessizes and more vivid, "girlish" colors. In the collections of recent years, the Swatch ladies watch with straps is predominant, the length of which is twice as much as needed. Free sports style, bright colors, cartoon characters, the relevance and quality of the mechanisms - all these characteristic features distinguish this watch. Female models are no exception, bright and bold, always young women remain the main target audience of the company.

swatch watch


The joint work of Swatch and Mercedes is a Smart car. A catchy, unusual, eye-catching and retarded look sports mini-car fell in love with many.


Chronometer of the Olympics

На Олимпиадах в Атланте (1996 г.) and in Sydney (2000), Swatch acted as an official chronometer. And in 2014 the Swatch watch will accompany the athletes of the Russian Olympic team at the Sochi Olympics.

Swatch Today

At the moment, experts consider the companySwatch is one of the most promising in the world. The pace of its development is fast, the turnover per year is enormous. A telling moment is the fact that every swatch comes off the Swatch pipeline every two seconds!

Such a success is due, of course, not only tocoordinated work of designers, marketing service and technical department. A great role is played by business flair, the ability to feel the breath of an era, and most importantly - a great love for your work.