/ / To become a person, a child needs education

To become a person, a child needs to be brought up

To become a human child, you needproper education. From the contribution of the parents in the personality of the baby's strength and knowledge depends on his whole fate: lifestyle, thoughts, the choice of the company, and the like. First of all, the child must educate moral needs. These include: responsiveness, the ability for active kindness and the installation "do no harm to anyone."

Raising children in the family is based on the following principles.

to become a human child is necessary

  1. Do not forget and do not hesitate to show your love in a relationship with your child.
  2. Do not resort to force in the process of education, otherwise the child may get the impression that everything in life can be achieved with the help of force.
  3. Always keep the promises made to the child, then you will not lose the trust of your child.
  4. To the crumb did not lose confidence in themselves and theiryou can’t blame and punish him for every bad deed, you can sometimes just give an assessment of the situation and suggest how the kid should behave in it.
  5. Do not scold the child in the presence of strangers so that he does not feel humiliated.
  6. Baby should feel like a part of the family, do everything possible for this.
  7. Control and, if necessary, adjust the environment of your baby, for it is not a secret to anyone that hostility creates hostility, and politeness - respect, and so on.

Child up to one year old

raising children in the family
Малыш, появившись на свет, только учится понимать our world, every day, learns something new. He is defenseless, and therefore it is at this age that no one else needs his parents. The child does not understand much, but he perfectly feels the kindness and care of loved ones. All he needs in this period of life is to be sure that he is loved by his mother and father. The baby takes all the time of the parents and requires a lot of physical strength, but, despite fatigue, it is important to keep the warm atmosphere in your nest so that the crumbs can comfortably grow and get to know the adult world.

Child from year to 5 years

Children of this age are particularly curious and inquisitive, they absorb all the information like a sponge. The child is already quite developed physically, able to express his opinion and attitude to this or other

features of parenting
th object or action.These children often ask questions, and parents need to be patient and calmly answer them, without exception, even if the baby asks the same questions several times. During this period of development in children, their environment is changing, in addition to mom and dad, the child is increasingly communicating with children in the yard and kindergarten. You will notice that your children have their favorite cartoons, songs and activities. The main thing is to become a person, the child needs to explain everything that is happening and what interests him from the point of view of morality, that is, to tell and teach what is “good” and what is “bad.”

Child 6-7 years old

development and upbringing of the child
Your child is entering a new period of his life -he is going to school. Now your child begins to realize that he has his own duties, and, of course, the recent crumbs, who all the time played and had fun, it will be difficult to put up with it. The parents' task is to explain to the child the full significance and necessity of the educational process, at first pay a lot of attention to joint homework, do not leave him alone with possible difficulties, he should feel that he is not alone, and then getting used to school and to the emergence of responsibilities will be less painful. Preschool upbringing of children should not lie solely on the shoulders of kindergarten teachers; parents are obliged to make a significant contribution to the upbringing of their child. Make it so easy for a child to start all beginnings in school.

Factors affecting child rearing

On the development and upbringing of the child can haveInfluence is absolutely any factors from the world around us, so the task of mom and dad as much as possible to protect him from the effects of negative factors and instill good character and character in the character. None of the parents will ever be able to protect their child from such phenomena of our life as envy, anger, betrayal, lies and so on. But raising children in the family should equip them with the knowledge and algorithms of proper behavior in a given situation. In other words, parents should prepare the little man for adulthood.

preschool education of children

The main factors affecting the developmentchild, are family relationships and the process of education. To become a person, a child needs to see a harmonious, warm relationship between members of his family. This factor has a strong influence on the baby, because he begins to feel the atmosphere within the family, while still in the womb. When forming the elements of the process itself, it is necessary to take into account the particularities of the upbringing of children. It should be borne in mind that the impact on the outlook of the child is not only his close relatives, but also peers, teachers in kindergarten. However, the most important task of parents should be the inculcation of values ​​and the correct position, on the basis of which the character of the child will be formed, thanks to the knowledge inherent in him, he will easily navigate in all life situations.

Grandmothers education

It is necessary to specify in advance the moments regardingraising your child with grandparents, otherwise, the baby may begin to perceive them as “good”, because he will be allowed everything, and his parents as “bad”, because only they are engaged in bringing him up, something is forbidden, something is scolded. For example, a baby should understand that a lot of candy is bad, and not that it is a pity for mom, but not for grandmother. If your parents do not make compromises, then it is possible to threaten with a restriction in communicating with your grandson, since this is, nevertheless, first of all your child and you are responsible for his upbringing. But still, do not be too strict with your grandparents, because you yourself sometimes are not averse to pampering your child.

To become a person, a child needs a lot. In the upbringing of children there is nothing impracticable and supernatural, more kindness, patience and affection, and all you get.