/ Alopecia in children: causes and treatment. Focal and total alopecia in children

Alopecia in children: causes and treatment. Focal and total alopecia in children

Of course, sudden hair loss in a child -This is an alarming symptom for his parents, primarily because it is usually nonsense at that age. However, it should be emphasized that alopecia in children is not a rare occurrence. The only thing that can calm down a little in this situation is the fact that at a young age the hair will grow back over time. So why such a disease as alopecia, children still have a place to be? The fact is that the causes of baldness can be called a lot. At the slightest signs of alopecia, you need to contact a pediatrician who, in conjunction with other specialists (trichologist, neurologist), will prescribe the correct treatment.

Alopecia in children

So, we proceed to the practical consideration of the question of why alopecia occurs in children.


One of the most common explanations for why a child’s hair falls out is the presence of a cancer.

It must be emphasized that although the cancerand is the root of the problem, but often it is medications that are directed to the treatment of oncology that often cause balding.

Alopecia in children, the causes of which maydiagnose only an experienced specialist, often has a telogen nature. As a rule, this type of baldness most often occurs in a child who had a surgical operation the day before and experienced emotional stress against her background. As a result, he began to lose weight and his temperature often began to rise.

In babies with telogen alopecia, asGenerally, hair loss occurs continuously over several months. However, six months after the peak stage of the disease, the hair in the areas of baldness begin to grow again.

Treatment of alopecia in children

Trichologists explain this by the fact that for the stress factor comes the stage of rest: it is replaced by a factor of active growth.


Alopecia in children is a consequence of suchcommon ailment like ringworm of the scalp. Its signs are easy to determine: scaly rims, itching and hair loss. However, this does not mean that ringworm is accompanied only by these signs. It also happens that the peeling and itching are absent, and the hair does not fall out, but becomes brittle. All this also indicates that the person is infected with ringworm.

Various kinds of infections, the sources of whichpathogenic bacteria are also can provoke baldness, while scientifically it is called "ringworm of the scalp, accompanied by desquamation." The cause of the above disease is staphylococcus aureaus.

Characteristics of some types of alopecia

Trichologists distinguish another type of baldness - the so-called "traction alopecia", when the hair on the back of the head thins.

Alopecia in children causes

This usually happens with babies whenthey constantly rub their heads against the crib. Traction alopecia is often found in children who regularly tuck their hair into tight pigtails and tails. This disease is more common in girls.

Также специалисты разновидностью облысения they consider focal (gnezdny) alopecia, which is an autoimmune pathology characterized by complete hair loss on both round and oval areas of the head. A symptom of this variation of the disease are absolutely smooth skin without any redness and dandruff. However, in patients suffering from alopecia areata, there are unusual for the healthy person cavities on the nails. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed in patients under 25 years of age.

It is necessary to emphasize that focal alopecia in children is not the most dangerous type of baldness: over time, the hair begins to grow on its own.

Much more significant harm to healthcomplete baldness of the skin. Total alopecia in children is characterized by absolute hair loss, not only on the head, but also on the eyelashes and eyebrows. It should be noted that the period of remission lasts a very long time, while the hair cells are destroyed by the action of a special substance - perforin secreted by blood lymphocytes. Immuno-containing drugs (cyclosporin, corticosteroid hormones) are used as a treatment for this pathology.

Other factors contributing to hair loss

Total alopecia in children

Помимо вышеперечисленных причин, существует еще a huge arsenal of others: prolonged depression, poor heredity, unfavorable ecology, and so on. Some types of pathologies can also lead to the fact that doctors ascertain baldness in a young child. These primarily include: diseases of the thyroid gland, lupus erythematosus, iron deficiency anemia, an excess of vitamin A, diabetes.

Treatment: general recommendations

Today, medicine has still not revealed all the secrets of why a person is balding. At the same time, science can offer a fairly solid set of drugs and tools that eliminate the problem under consideration.

Лечение алопеции у детей ни в коем случае не should be carried out without qualified medical assistance. Today trichologists have focused enormous efforts in order to create new modern and at the same time highly effective drugs that eliminate hair loss.

В борьбе с детским облысением очень часто The wait method is applied. In other words, the doctor suggests parents to delay a little with the treatment, because an exact diagnosis has not yet been made: it happens that in a year the hair is restored on its own. However, such cases do not occur so often. In particular, it is focal alopecia in children, the treatment of which may well provide for a waiting method, since the hair on the problem areas later grows by itself.

The specificity of treatment depends on the diagnosis.

Так или иначе, но врач обязан поставить точный diagnosis of the pathology of your patient. Often he does this with his colleagues. In the treatment of each patient should be used an individual approach. What medications often appear in a prescription for hair loss?

Focal alopecia in children

First of all, these are psychotropic drugs andnootropic drugs. To strengthen the immunity, trichologists advise to eat as many vitamins of groups A, B and E as possible. Treatment of alopecia in children with complicated forms involves the use of special injections of medical preparations that promote high-quality blood flow in problem areas. Since the hair follicles “stay” in them at rest, the task of the trichologist is to activate his work.

To the use of corticosteroid drugs, experts resort only to complicated forms of hair loss.

A very common way to deal withUse of the Darsonval apparatus and ultraviolet radiation on the affected skin is considered alopecia. In some cases, to achieve an even greater effect, the above remedies for the treatment of alopecia are combined with chemotherapy.

Do not self-medicate

Experts very often prescribe a substance such as arthalin in the fight against hair loss.

Focal alopecia in children

Without the recommendations of the doctor can not use it,otherwise, its improper use can provoke a severe form of dermatitis. This method of treatment is considered one of the most complex and time consuming. It is best to use it at home, but under the regular supervision of a medic.

Doctors in certain cases advise asmethod of treating alopecia in children to use immunomodulators. However, it is also important to emphasize here that you cannot use them yourself, without consulting a specialist.


Must be remembered that the problemHair loss should be paid attention to immediately, because hair is one of the main indicators of health status and to save them is your “holy” duty.

Of course, sudden hair loss in a child -This is an alarming symptom for his parents, primarily because it is usually nonsense at that age. However, it should be emphasized that alopecia in children is not a rare occurrence.