/ / Drawing set. Creativity at a young age

Drawing set. Creativity at a young age

Every young mother thinks about whenneed to teach a child to draw. There is no doubt that this needs to be done - any creative activity develops fine motor skills, imagination, and perseverance, which means it will contribute to the rapid development of the baby. But the question of when a child should buy the first set for drawing, many mothers do not know the answer. The opinion of experts is the following: you can start working with a child from about 9-10 months.

Drawing set

Drawing kits can be found at any store.toys, their range is simply huge: special magnetic boards, mats, wax and pencils, crayons, markers and more. And how to navigate among all this diversity? In fact, you need to take into account the age of the child - for a 12-13-year-old teenager, it is quite possible to buy a set for drawing with oil paints, especially if he already attends an art school, but for a preschooler you will have to choose something else.

A child from one to three years

Children from one to three already know howneed to hold a pencil, and how to drive them over the paper. True, the drawings are most often obtained from them in the form of dashes and curls and are not yet similar to houses or cars. At this age, it is difficult for kids to hold small objects, so pretty thick felt-tip pens and pencils should be included in the drawing kit.

Set for painting with oil paints

Alternatively, you can try finger paints- they are completely safe, so if a child accidentally tastes them - no big deal. The only minus is that the baby will have to be washed off completely, as the children grab themselves on the face and other parts of the body while drawing. Experienced mothers are advised to hold a session of creating "artistic masterpieces" with finger paints just before bathing.

Child three to five

During this period, children begin to create on paperquite meaningful pictures, so you can include regular felt-tip pens, pencils and colorings in the drawing set. The latter help the child to develop better, in addition, various puzzles will be useful: labyrinths, connecting dots with lines, etc. But when buying such colorings, you must make sure that the pictures are simple - the small details cannot be painted by children.

Drawing kits

Child from five to ten years

Приведенные здесь рекомендации довольно условны.If you think that your child will cope with a more difficult task, then he should get a drawing set designed for children of the next age group. At this age, you can buy almost all things for painting: paints, brushes, stencils, pencils, etc. e. An important period comes for parents - it will be necessary to determine whether this occupation will remain a home hobby, or the child will start attending art school. In this case, mom and dad need to try to impartially assess the creative potential, since not all children manifest a talent for painting. And, of course, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the child about this issue, but in no case force it. Drawing is a creative process, and no one has been able to create by request.