/ / How contractions occur, what sensations does a woman experience?

How are the fights going on, what sensations does the woman experience at the same time?

fights what feelings

Pregnancy is an important and crucial stage inlife of a woman, because he is full of new sensations, fears, events and concerns. This process is especially exciting for those who have a first pregnancy, because everything that happens is unfamiliar and new to them. Especially often, future mothers are worried about how to determine that the contractions begin, what feelings do you feel? There are some signs by which it can be understood that the birth process will begin soon.

How to understand that the contractions begin? What sensations are waiting for a woman?

Carrying a child under the heart of the future motherNine months to come, but as soon as she finds out about her delicate situation, she has a lot of questions in her head: “How does the birth process happen? It so happens that a woman is completely unprepared for childbirth. To avoid this, it is necessary to prepare in advance for this event and learn more about it. For example, symptoms such as increased urging to the toilet, lowering of the abdomen, uterine contractions, changes in appetite and mood, and the passage of mucus plug may indicate that labor will soon begin.

contractions about pregnancy sensations

Contractions - the main harbingers of childbirth

A distinctive feature of the onset of labor iscontractions during pregnancy, these feelings are not confused with anything. With their occurrence, as a rule, the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs. Contractions - a contraction of the uterus muscles, while there is a gradual disclosure of the uterine throat, which contributes to the promotion of the child through the birth canal of the mother. There is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, it is similar to the painful feeling during menstruation. You can also feel how the fetus presses on the pubic bone, and at the same time you can feel tingling in this area. It should be noted that the sensations during contractions of each woman are individual: someone experiences pain mainly in the lumbar region, for someone it increases in the uterus itself, and someone compares it with the pain that accompanies menstruation.

Contractions: what feelings are possible and what to do if they started

It is noticed that the more pregnant womanafraid of the onset of childbirth, the more painful her labor flow. Therefore, the expectant mother can be recommended to do the preparation for generic activities, to study the literature on the topic in advance, to learn how to breathe correctly and relax. In addition, today there are many special courses that prepare women for an important process in their life - the birth of a baby, tell what fights are, what sensations a mother has to feel. So, what to do if the contractions began, and how to facilitate this process?

sensations during labor

  • As soon as the pain appeared,foreshadowing generic activity, it is better not to lie, but to actively move, this will help the cervix to open up faster, which means that the duration of the birth itself will be reduced.
  • We must try to find a position of the body,where it will be easier for you to endure contractions, and the posture can be anything, even if you want to stand on all fours or shift from one foot to the other. This is quite normal, and in such a situation there is nothing to be shy.
  • Between contractions, you should try to relax as much as possible.
  • The spine massage in the sacral section helps a lot; it has a good effect both at the very beginning of contractions and throughout the entire period of the action of the expulsive forces.
  • Do not forget about proper breathing, the medical staff who will be nearby, will tell you how to do it.
  • And finally, the most important thing:you need to think about the baby, who is about to be born. Calm down, think that soon all the torment will end, and you will meet with the baby, the appearance of which you have been waiting for. For this it is worth suffering.