/ / Infant formula Friso Gold 1: reviews. "Frisolak Gold 1" and "Frisolak 1": composition, difference

Children's milk formula Friso Gold 1: reviews. "Fresolak Gold 1" and "Fresolak 1": composition, difference

With the advent of the newborn family lifeparents changing dramatically. Not always everything goes well and smoothly. There are situations when the mother, for whatever reason, is forced to transfer the child to artificial feeding. No one argues about the merits of breast milk, but there are times when there is simply no other choice (lactation is not well established, severe postpartum injuries, taking illegal drugs and more).

reviews frisolak gold 1

To choose the right mixture, you needconsult with your doctor and examine the reviews. "Frisolak Gold 1" - nutrition, which has established itself only on the positive side. But, standing at the pharmacy windows, parents can not make the right choice. After all, there are several types of this mixture. What are their advantages and differences, we will try to understand the article.

What do we know about the mixture "Frisolak Gold"

When choosing a mixture, do not forget to learn about itinformation and reviews. "Frisolak Gold 1" appeared on the Russian market relatively recently. Producer - the Dutch company Friso. Works since 1966. During this time, the leaders of the company have done everything possible to bring the mixture in composition to breast milk.

The mix "Frisolak Gold 1" has the following advantages over other similar products:

  1. Full quality control.
  2. It tastes like breast milk, so the baby takes a bottle with pleasure.
  3. The mixture fully complies with the standards of WHO, USRDA, European Union Directives and many others.
  4. In the Russian market it is positively approved and marked by the leading pediatricians of the country.
  5. Does not contain GMOs.
  6. In the manufacture of the mixture uses the latest equipment.
  7. There is a round-the-clock hotline, where you can ask questions that interest you.

Choosing this mixture, the main thing - do not buy a fake. To do this, it is worth buying products only at pharmacies kiosks.

We study the composition

Many who had to translate into artificialnutrition of their babies, choose "Frisolak Gold 1". The composition of the mixture is truly unique. It contains all the trace elements and minerals, so necessary for children in the first year of life. The main component is cleaved protein, which is remarkably absorbed by the child. In addition, there is casein, which is contained in breast milk.

Some of the important elements are nucleotides,they are responsible for the formation of the immune system, and also have a positive effect on the formation of nerve fibers. Alpha-acids that make up the brain provide saturation of the brain. Without them, cell formation is simply impossible.

Наличие железа в составе смеси позволяет eliminate the development of anemia and other similar diseases. In addition, this substance allows children to get rid of problems with constipation, which is important for artificial feeding.

Want to raise a child genius?Then you will suit "Frisolak Gold 1". The composition of the mixture is unique. It contains taurine, which is responsible for the development of the brain and blood circulation processes. For children who have reached 2 years of age, pediatricians are also advised to purchase these products and use them as a milk drink.

frisolac gold 1 mix composition

Also a mixture of "Frisolak Gold" advise those kids,which suffer from allergic reactions. In a way, it is preventive nutrition for them. Split milk protein gives a small load on the body, and there is a partial or complete addiction to it.

The advantages of this mixture

For those who decided to use the nurserymixture, many experienced parents recommend "Frisolak Gold 1". Its composition is truly unique, it is as close as possible to breast milk. But besides this, there are other positive points:

  • Fully adapted. Suitable for use as the main power, and for cultivation of cereals.
  • Ideally absorbed by the body of the child, without spending its additional energy and reserves.
  • Its composition is 90% close to breast milk.
  • It has a pleasant taste.
  • Balanced composition.

 frisolac gold mix 1

Of the negative aspects can be identified only the high cost of production compared with other similar mixtures.

"Frisolak Gold 1": reviews, composition, recommendations of doctors

Before you buy this or that mixture,need to consult with a pediatrician. As each child is individual, baby food is not suitable for everyone. Many parents opt for a mixture of "Frisolac Gold 1". Reviews of doctors about her only positive. It is easily digested by kids, thanks to its balanced composition.

The main advantage of the mixture is thatcow protein in it is replaced by a whey product. Thus, it eliminates the appearance of allergic reactions in children. Pediatricians note the presence of fatty acids in the composition, they have a positive effect on the development of the brain and the child's vision.

 frisolak gold 1 composition

An important feature is the content of nucleotides and prebiotics, which allow the intestine to better digest the consumed product. This eliminates the appearance of constipation, colic in babies.

Also, doctors note that the mixture is well absorbed by children, they are gaining the desired weight.

Kinds of mixture

Before you buy a mixture of the company Friso, you need to know that it is of several types:

  • Frisolac Gold. Suitable for children from birth to 3 years. Perhaps the most popular among similar products.
  • "Frisolak". Low cost attracts many parents. The downside is that it does not contain fatty acids.
  • "Frisovom." Designed for children who suffer from increased regurgitation. Viscous consistency helps to cope with this problem.
  • "Frisopep." Suitable for those kids whose body does not accept cow protein.
  • "Frisopre." It has an increased calorie content. It is prescribed by doctors to feed premature babies or those who gain weight poorly.
  • "Frisolak hypoallergenic." Due to its unique composition it helps to cope with allergic reactions.

As you can see, the range of data mixes enoughextensive. Before you choose the right baby food, you should consult with a pediatrician and examine the reviews. "Frisolak Gold 1" is most popular with parents of healthy children, despite the high cost of products.

Differences of one mixture from another

Many parents, faced with the needacquiring a mixture of the company Friso, can not decide which kind is better. What is the difference between Frisolak 1 and Frisolak 1 Gold? The only difference is in the packaging or something else? Perhaps these are the most popular questions. Manufacturers give comprehensive information about this. The main difference between the two types of mixtures - in the composition.

"Frisolac Gold" includes prebiotics andspecial fatty acids. They are responsible for the formation of the immune system of the baby and the development of the brain. Thanks to these components, the mixture is as close as possible to breast milk. Therefore, the price of the goods is not small.

The mix "Frisolak" is also completely adapted. But it contains only 5 nucleotides.

Leading pediatricians recommend feeding children up to 6 months with Frisolac Gold. Clinical studies have clearly shown that in babies who were given a similar mixture, immunity is much higher.

Properly preparing the mixture

It is rather simple to prepare the children's mix "Frisolak". This will take you a maximum of 2-3 minutes. Step-by-step instructions are presented below:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with warm soapy water.
  2. Sterilize baby bottle and pacifier. To do this, you can use a special device.
  3. Boil baby water ("Agusha", "Theme").
  4. Cool it to a temperature of 38-40 ° C.
  5. To study on the bank the recommended proportions for the preparation of the drink.
  6. Gently pour water into the bottle.
  7. Measure out the right amount of measuring spoons of the mixture, pour it into the water.
  8. Close the bottle. Shake thoroughly until complete dissolution of the powder.
  9. Feed the baby when the temperature of the mixture reaches 37 ° C.

 frisolak gold 1 doctors reviews

Many people point out that the mixture foams a little, there’s nothing to worry about.

Parents note

If you are first faced with the acquisition of the mixture and its use, you need to remember a few rules:

  1. Consultation with a pediatrician is necessary before the introduction of this type of baby food.
  2. It is better to buy the mixture in pharmacies.
  3. Pay attention to the appearance of the package (it should not be deformed).
  4. Do not buy expired products.
  5. Already diluted mixture can not be stored for more than 1 hour.
  6. Bottle, measuring spoon, nipple should be sterilized.
  7. Follow the rules for storing the mixture.

These simple rules will help you avoid trouble in the form of poisoning and allergic reactions in a child.

Storage methods

Studying parent forums can oftenstumble upon reports that the child has poisoned the mixture. It is sad, but in most cases this is due to the fault of the parents, who do not follow the elementary rules of storage.

 frisolac gold 1 reviews composition

Mix «Frisolak Gold 1», photo of whichpresented below, is sold in a tin with a tight-fitting lid. It is quite convenient to store and transport it. But still there are rules that you need to know:

  1. The mixture should be in a dry place.
  2. Temperature range - not higher than +25 ° С.
  3. Do not store the mixture in the refrigerator.
  4. After the bank or box has been opened, the contents are used within a month.
  5. The diluted mixture should not be stored for more than an hour.

Feedback from experienced parents

A mixture of "Frisolak Gold 1", reviews of which onlypositive, is in great demand among moms who, for whatever reason, could not adjust the lactation process. Parents note that this baby food is completely balanced, has a composition as close as possible to breast milk, has a pleasant taste. Children enjoy drinking this mixture. However, it is quite nutritious, you do not need to get up every hour at night to feed the hungry baby. 2-3 night feedings are enough.

You can also note a convenient can that closes tightly. It can be transported and not be afraid that the mixture will crumble. This product has won the independent Test Purchase program.

Of the negative points can be noted high pricing. Also not very convenient is the storage of a measuring spoon in the mixture. For her, it is desirable to make a separate container.

As a conclusion

Before choosing a mixture, it is necessaryconsultation with your pediatrician. Remember, nothing can be better than breast milk, it is this that provides immunity to the baby, protects against diseases. But if it so happens that it is not possible to adjust the lactation process, you need to choose a mixture according to several criteria. The main one is the composition. Pay attention that the product does not contain harmful additives, sugar, GMOs and other non-beneficial substances. Try to feed the child with one mixture, the one that best suited him. Buying baby food is better in pharmacies, while familiarizing with the quality certificates.

 frisolac gold mix 1 reviews

Also do not forget to study reviews."Frisolak Gold 1" has established itself only on the positive side. This mixture is fully adapted, has a unique composition, availability. Remember, the health of the child in the future depends on proper nutrition in the first year of life. If the mixture is suitable for the baby, you do not need to experiment and look for something better.