Perhaps cats are now the most popular.pets. This is understandable - they are more self-sufficient than dogs, require less attention, and care for them is as simple as possible. And what else is needed for a person who spends all day at work? But for all their simplicity, all the same know the basics of feline physiology and the subtle growth of a kitten should be every responsible owner. What to say about the features of caring for your pet - this knowledge is simply a must. And sometimes even beginning breeders baffled even such an elementary question: "When will the kittens open their eyes?"
But then the joyful day has come, and the litter has openedeyelids. This process does not occur immediately. It can take several days - from the first crack to the full opening of both eyes. Usually, at first, their color, without exception, is light blue, and their eyes are completely meaningless. This, in general, is characteristic of newborn mammals of many species. How to care for a kitten's eyes at such a tender age? First you need to ensure that he stays in a darkened place. Bright light is harmful for kittens that only opened their eyes. If the eyelids of the baby by the 14th day of life are not fully opened, they should be carefully processed with a swab dipped in a weak tea brew or chamomile infusion. If this does not work, you should seek help from a veterinarian. The rest of the special care for the eyes is not required, except for the breeds in which the lacrimal canals are located close to the nose (Persians, exotic shorthair cats, British and Scottish). For them, you should immediately buy special lotions for the care of eyes, which tend to leak.