In anticipation of a miracle - the birth of a child - manyfuture mothers are beginning to be interested in the question "At what time do they go on a decree?" and when they start preparing for the long-awaited meeting with the baby, when they have time to buy everything, wash, iron, and finally rest, because during pregnancy they get tired several times more than usual , and after the birth of a child there is not enough time for rest or sleep.
Maternity leave is exactly the gaptime, when a woman should more watch herself and her health in a quiet home environment, prepare for childbirth and the postpartum period when caring for a child requires special efforts.
At what time do they go on maternity leave, dependswhether a singleton or a multiple pregnancy in you. In the first case, the pregnant woman is entitled to rest from the thirtieth week, and in the second - from the twenty-eighth. However, it is not necessary to go on leave on these terms. If the future mother feels fine, if she is not disturbed by swollen legs or toxicosis in later terms, do not want to sleep all the time, then you can remain "burning" at work until the very last week.
Pregnant women are usually interested in the question,how many weeks go on maternity leave, also because they get the maternity leave 140 days in advance. Count 70 days before delivery, 70 after. And if the child is born through a cesarean section, then you need to add another 2-3 weeks, depending on the condition of the parturient woman. It turns out quite a decent amount, which covers the cost of the child the first few months. Of course, it is not very right to be interested in the question of how many weeks go into maternity leave, also for the reason that everything is very individual and depends on the health of the future mother. So, if a child is born before 30 weeks, then in this case, 140 days of paid maternity leave are added to the date of birth of the baby.
It does not matter at what date they go on a decree.It is much more important that the leave for care lasts at least a year from the birth of the child. Many young mothers, making a career, throw their three-month-old children to a nanny or their mother, go back to work, and then spend all their lives regretting that the child pronounced the first word or took the first steps in their absence. Ideally, of course, the mother should stay with the child for the first three years, teach him independence, let him understand that there is always a person nearby who is ready to protect him, his own guardian angel.
Беременность – это самое настоящее чудо, sent from above. We need to appreciate and cherish every moment when the baby is inside of you, try to remember each of his jerks, every movement, because this is something that will definitely not happen again, at least with this child. And after the birth of the baby, the days are so imperceptible, very soon it is impossible to imagine that once the baby was about 50 centimeters tall and fit on his knees, because immediately there runs an absolutely adult child.
Young mothers are already interested not in whatthe term goes to the decree, and vice versa - when you can return to work. They think that caring for a child, cleaning, ironing, washing make them into a kind of degrading creature that always turns like a squirrel in a wheel, and all days are similar to each other. However, after returning to their favorite job, they understand that their heart is left at home, next to the baby, and I want to run all the time back, hug a tender little man and not for a minute to part with it.
Take care of your kids, try to give them alllove and tenderness, for what they are capable of, because life is so short. And even when it seems that you are falling from fatigue, hug your child, and the world will again shine bright colors!