/ / Friendship with the feathered. How to tame a wavy parrot to the hands

Friendship with birds. How to Train a Wavy Parrot to Hand

Immediately after the house appearsa little feathered friend, his master has a question, how to tame a wavy parrot to his hands so that he is not afraid and behaves calmly. Moving to a new place in a bird causes great stress, so you need to give it time to get comfortable in the apartment, inspect your cage, get used to the surrounding voices. It will take a week, or maybe two.

how to tame a wavy parrot to hands
When the parrot is no longer afraid of every rustle,You can check how tame it is. To do this, you should stick your fingers in a cage a couple of centimeters, if he is not afraid of a hand and even reaches out for it, then the domestication will not take much time, but if he shies and flies all over the cage, then the feathered got wild. How to tame a wavy parrot to the hands? Of course, with the help of feed.

Many may argue, they say, to starvethe bird is inhuman, because the parrot has a fast metabolism, and it must eat very often. In the afternoon, the feeder should not be taken away, but at night it should be removed from the cage. In the morning you need to put food on the palm, a few grains should be on your fingers. Careful smooth movements should approach the perch with a perched bird. Some birds from the first time sit on the hand to eat. If nothing happened right away, then you should not get upset, you need to repeat this procedure daily until the result appears and a budgerigar will sit on your hand.

Photos of these cute creatures awakens in ourthe hearts of tenderness and tenderness to them, so want the bird to become a faithful friend and interlocutor, fearlessly sat on the arm or shoulder. Making eating food in a cage is not so difficult, but how to tame a wavy parrot to the hands in a room where it can fly away? To do this, you must first give it to get used to the new room, allowing plenty to fly.

tame parrots
The room should be a place where the birdcan sit down like in a cage on the perch. An ordinary desk lamp can become such a subject, not bad if it is located just opposite the face. If the parrot does not land on it in any way, then it can be suggested to the idea by scattering several grains there. Before taming a wavy parrot to the hands, you should make sure that he feels confident in the room and does not tremble with fear at the sight of an approaching hand.

You can put a seed on the thumb nailor another delicacy, slowly approach the sitting pet and place your hand so that it has to climb on the index finger in order to eat the treat. If such manipulations are done all the time, then in a short time the feathered one will become quite tame, he will not only not be afraid to climb onto the arm or shoulders, but he will also stick to it, asking for something tasty.

budgie photo
Manual parrots are very funny, interesting for them.watch. With frequent intercourse, birds quickly become accustomed to people, they fly up and sit on shoulders or hands, and they can drop by the ear. Pets love their owners are not at all for the food that they offer them. Parrots like when they talk and play with them, so do not forget to show care and attention to their feathered friend.