Not all means are good during the struggle for a good harvest. For example, excessive use of pesticides is unacceptable, because this is practically an unavailable poison.
Sederal crops
Many experienced farmers have already found a simple and natural way to return the earth nutrients, and at the same time get rid of pests.
It's about plants that quickly germinateand build up the green mass. They do not give any products, but they heal the land for several years. Fertilized plants obscure the soil, prevent its erosion and enhance biological activity, suppress weeds. They are grown on the spot, before flowering they mow and close up in the soil. Once in the ground, the plant remains quickly decomposed.
Mustard as a siderial culture
Siderial culture is well knownmustard. As fertilizer, it plays an important role in crop rotation. This oil plant with yellow flowers and the strongest honey smell belongs to the family of crucifers. It has a deep root system and abundant green mass up to 80 cm high.
The benefit of sowing mustard
Mustard as a fertilizer is of particular value,because this plant is able to absorb from the soil some micro- and macroelements that are inaccessible to others. With a scent, the green mustard mass becomes the source of all these elements in the composition of organic matter, useful for the development of soil microorganisms and food crops.
For many cottage and garden plots,who are in disrepute or on the slopes, especially the needles are planted. As a fertilizer, it plays a secondary role here. It is much more important that mustard can significantly reduce or prevent water and wind erosion of the soil to which such areas are susceptible, especially if it is sown after harvesting, when the land remains open to erosion processes.
Terms of sowing and beveling
This culture is early and in a short time givesa lot of green mass. When to spread mustard on fertilizer? Of course, as soon as possible, during the spring ripening of the soil. Shoots of mustard perfectly tolerate freezing and cooling. Early crops are much more resistant to both drought and possible damage to fleas, which pose a serious threat to plants. In addition, the mustard sown in the early period effectively suppresses weeds.
It should be noted that the plants for green fertilizercan be sown and during the summer, after harvesting of early crops, but not later than the 2nd decade of August. At the same time, it is necessary to provide enough seeds and young shoots with sufficient moisture. Before the beginning of mass flowering, the plants are mowed and shredded with a shovel, and then they dig up the bed together with the green mass.
Mustard as a fertilizer is the cheapest and most convenient way of organic soil nutrition for further cultivation of crops.