Напряжение «холодной войны» сказывалось на всех countries, and above all on their defense industry. After the results of the Second World War, each state tried to strengthen its position in the military arena, relying on the development of nuclear and land-based weapons. Everything was based on the experience gained after the war, and tried to eliminate the shortcomings of its defense complex and improve dignity. So, in 1956 tanks "Leopard" opened a new page in the history of the German military industry. The first prototype was assembled in Germany in 1965. Having successfully passed field tests, "Leopard-1" becomes the main battle tank. Mass production begins. These tanks are not only used by Germany, but also by Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark.
In 1969, a decision was taken onthe improvement of "Leopards" and created 2 prototypes. In 1970, the production begins plant Krauss-Maffei. After all the improvements and tests, in 1973, the tank gets the name "Leopard 2". Its mass production begins in 1977, and in 1979 it is adopted by the German army. The factory ordered 1800 copies. Depending on the weapons and equipment, the Leopard-2 tanks were divided into 5 series. To date, added two more modifications.
Tanks "Leopard" have increasedmaneuverability, well protected. Their survival on the battlefield gives excellent results. To create them used the classic layout. The engine is located aft, the driver, who is also a mechanic, is in front. Seats for the commander, gunner and loader are located in the tank tower. All versions are equipped with 120-millimeter cannons, with the exception of "Leopard-2A6". Also on the towers of the combat vehicle are installed blocks of mortars to create a smoke screen, and on the roof - machine guns. Tanks "Leopard 2" had a combined armor, combat weight was about 50 tons. The weapon was stabilized in two planes, and some also received night-vision devices. The model of the tank "Leopard", which had a thermal imager, was designated 2A2.
There are in the line of combat vehicles and those thatdesigned for combat not so much on rough terrain as in urban environments — these are Leopard-2A7 tanks, which first appeared in 2012. In terms of its tactical and technical characteristics, this model is equal to the Russian T-90, but it doesn’t hold out to its indicators. The tank has a special capsule that isolates the crew from the rest of the structure. This technical solution allows you to save the life of the crew when hit by a cumulative projectile. Improved kit of protection against high-explosive shells and mines. Inside installed air conditioning system, its work provides a contactless generator. Tanks "Leopard 2" received an improved brake system, new tracks and torsion bars. In addition to the 120-mm smooth-bore cannon and coaxial machine gun, the armament is complemented by one more machine gun and a 40-mm grenade launcher. Implemented technology "digital tower". 72 km / hour - this is exactly the speed that the Leopard tank can develop. Photos of models can be found in different layouts and modifications.