/ / How to grow a corn field?

How to grow a corn field?

Choosing a plot under a corn field inMoscow region, it is necessary to take into account a number of important factors. In the first place for the culture is not suitable heavy soil. It is preferable to choose a plot with loose and fertile land. It can be medium and light loamy. At the same time the soil must be breathable. The site itself, allocated for the corn field, should be well heated and illuminated. The earth should be moisture-consuming, taking into account that the culture does not tolerate excess water.


Cultivation of corn in open ground

Если предполагается культивирование с помощью seedlings, then sow the seeds you need in early May. After about June 10, after frosts, sprouts can be placed on the plot. It is advisable to wait for the moment when the root system spreads throughout the container. It does not make sense to maintain seedlings longer than the phase of the third true leaf. After the emergence of seedlings after 2-3 weeks, she is ready for planting.


To create a productive corn field,You must follow some simple rules. First of all, you should not keep long seedlings in a pot. This slows down the development of culture and negatively affects the yield. When disembarking, the depth of the holes is made slightly larger than the one in which the seedlings germinated. This will have a positive effect on survival rate and will stimulate the formation of secondary roots. For tall varieties, the row spacing should be at least 65-70 cm, and the distance in the row should be 35 cm.

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Additional fertilizing

Cornfield at first must be constantlyweed. The culture in the initial stages will grow rather slowly. Be sure to use fertilizer. Corn field compost, humus. At the same time, one should not forget about mineral nutrition. Make compost at the rate of 5 kg / 1 m2. Mineral fertilizers are used in spring,before disembarking. If the culture has ceased to develop, it must be fed. Mineral fertilizers are applied in mid-June and in the 1st decade of July. The bulk of the nutrients consumed in the second half of the summer season.

cornfield in the suburbs


Rows loosen 2-3 times.At the same time, the higher the plants, the shallower the tillage. In the process of loosening it is necessary to avoid damage to the root system. During the flowering period, plants can be pollinated. For this, the pollen of male flowers is transferred to the female by hand. At high humidity, corn shoots often form side shoots that must be removed. The culture is sufficiently resistant to drought, however, despite this, it is not recommended to allow strong fluctuations in humidity. The maximum amount of fluid needed corn shortly before the ejection of panicles. We should not forget about pest control. Corn is an attractive wireworm plant. To destroy pests, you can use the following method. It is necessary to cut large potatoes, beets and carrots and bury them for 10-15 cm. Every 3 or 4 days you can check the bait and remove the gathered wireworms. Before you bury the vegetables, you can stick wooden rods in them. So it will be more convenient to get the bait.