/ / Financial stability of the company

Financial stability of the company

What is financial sustainability and howway to provide it at one time or another, thinks every capable person. Exactly the same issues are in the focus of attention of managers of large and small companies, as well as individual entrepreneurs. The history of economic relations clearly demonstrates that the birth and development of the financial system occurred in parallel with the development of technology. Games of exchange or trade relations have been under way since time immemorial, but the financial system appeared only a few centuries ago.

New, more productive technologiesallow you to increase the volume of consumer goods. As a result of these processes, the mechanism of distribution of material goods becomes more and more important. The main tool in this business is money. In turn, banks work with banknotes. In recent decades, there has been a situation where the bank's financial stability determines the well-being of many enterprises of different profile. Factories and factories that produce goods, as well as trade enterprises that sell them, store their financial resources in bank accounts.

It would be more accurate to say that banks serve theseenterprise. Their responsibility is to save funds and send a certain amount to the addresses indicated by the client. To this list it is possible to add calculations with the budget and various insurance funds, cash services, issuance of plastic cards and other services. If you look at the essence of the process, the financial stability of any business structure to a certain extent depends on the stable operation of this institution. Of course, no commercial bank is responsible for the financial policies of its customers.

At the same time, the practice of recent decades andthe global financial crisis clearly demonstrated that the financial stability of manufacturing companies depends on a stable banking system. Like any market structure, the bank is engaged in commercial activities. Its goal is to make a profit. And this profit is brought to him by customers. One category is rendered by services in settlement and cash services. Other loans and loans are given out. In this business, as in any other, there are their dangers and difficulties.

Currently, some banks are veryrisky operations. For example, loans are issued to customers without checking their solvency. So it was in 2008 in the USA. Loans were given to all comers. And when it turned out that a large part of the money given could not be returned, the banks suffered losses and some of them were on the verge of bankruptcy. Now I must say that the financial stability of an enterprise is its ability to pay off at any time in accordance with its obligations.

What obligations do modern companies have,which is engaged in the production of building materials? One of the main ones is the timely payment of wages to their employees. Then you need to pay with the suppliers of raw materials and components. After that, for the consumed electric and thermal energy. And the list of calculations can be continued. Now imagine how the company will be able to fulfill its obligations if the bank has ceased to function? The answer is obvious - nothing at all. All the money that was kept in the accounts of this institution was given to insolvent borrowers, and the bank has nothing to dispose of.

The current historical moment is characterized by,that the financial stability of many even very large companies depends on how effectively the financial system as a whole operates. It is also important how a particular bank operates in which a company or an individual entrepreneur is served. Experts recommend having settlement funds in different commercial banks. And it is desirable that one of them be established by the state. Such banks exist and successfully operate in all regions.