/ / Enterprise card as a key to basic information

Enterprise card as a key to basic information

The development of market relations favorablyaffects the growing number of different companies and organizations. To systematize data for all enterprises of the country, they are combined into different classification registers (by type of activity, by form of education, by share of authorized capital, by location, etc.).

company card

The card of the enterprise and its receipt

There is an established procedure for passingregistration procedure for each type of entrepreneurial activity, whether it is aimed at making a profit or not. After this process, each organization, irrespective of its size and the number of personnel, issues an enterprise card. This document is mandatory for the provision on request of interested bodies or customers. It lists the shortest and most important information about the organization. At the same time, this document can be of various types and is issued in the territory where the registration of a legal entity takes place.

So, for example, a company card,engaged in cargo transportation or other transport services (escort, supervision, etc.), is a map used to digitize data. It is issued by a special authorized authority. This card provides for reading information from the memory of the tachograph. The latter is installed in the vehicle in order to take into account the time of rest and driver control of the driver. It should be noted that this card provides a unique opportunity to protect information from access to it by third parties.

company registration card

Data specified in the document

Other organizations have different from the above system of filling and using this document.

The card of the enterprise is a kind of "miniature safe", in which all information about the organization is stored. So, the main and main for the availability in this document parameters are:

  1. Full legal name (as in the statutory document) of the organization. In this case, you can not use any abbreviations.
  2. The second line is the abbreviated name of the enterprise.
  3. If the company's work is characterized by links toforeign partners or its activities in any way has an "export-import" relationship - it is mandatory to have a name in a foreign language (the default is English, but you can add another one).
  4. The company card must have a detailed legal and physical address of the organization.
  5. Required telephone numbers of the manager / receptionist. If there is a fax machine, its number is also desirable.
  6. Other means for communication with enterprises: e-mail, PO Box, etc.
  7. Further in order, in terms of importance one forothers are listed registration numbers in accredited bodies: the number in the national registry, the individual number of the taxpayer, the reason code of registration. These data are given out to the enterprise during the registration process.
  8. The company's registration card also contains numbers in all-Russian systematizers, which include:
    • Classifier of enterprises and organizations.
    • Systematizer of economic activities.
    • Since 2013, the company card began to containrequisition OCTM (all-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities) instead of OKATO (all-Russian classifier of administrative-territorial objects).
    • Further, depending on the type of activity, there may be data from systematization by ownership, services to the population and others.

un enterprise card

Other important details

This document also contains all possiblebank details: the name of the bank, its individual number, address, account numbers (in particular, settlement accounts), who is the recipient of the listed funds, etc. The company card may contain information about which of the company's managers has the right to sign documents. Often there is also a mention of the name and surname of the head of the organization. At will, the card of the enterprise, individual entrepreneur, LLC (limited liability company), ODO (company with additional liability) or another form of legal entity may have the name of the document on the basis of which the organization operates. Also, some organizations indicate the amount of authorized capital and other parameters.