/ / Wonders of auto cosmetics: polishing abrasive

Wonders of auto cosmetics: polishing abrasive

It would seem, most recently you brought a brand newThe car, which gave its shine a special cheerfulness to a dreary garage. And already you notice small scratches and a tarnished paint and varnish covering of the car body. From the former glitter there is no trace. Alas, the ability to become obsolete is inherent in absolutely all products, and cars are no exception. But there is a great way to give a second life to your faithful iron horse. It's called a miracle - polishing abrasive.

polishing abrasive

Types of polishing

Care for the body of the car is composed of different operations. One of them is polishing. It can be of two types:

  • protective;
  • regenerative.

Experts call one more variety - a complex one, but it, in fact, includes these 2 types.

Protective polishing is applied withpreventive purposes. It is used to remove water stains left by ordinary drops of rain, oil stains, dirt and dust. This procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a year.

Polishing abrasive (it's also a reductive) -the process is more complex. Its application is actual in those cases when on the body of the car there were scratches, chips, and the paint faded and lost its presentable appearance. The essence of this procedure is to remove a thin layer of lacquer, which has suffered most from scratches and cracks. The paintwork on vehicles has sufficient thickness, so it is allowed to polish the car several times.

Tools for abrasive polishing

abrasive polishing paste

To carry out recovery operations, you will need:

  • Polishing machine. It is desirable to use an average speed of rotation, then the surface will not overheat.
  • Grinding discs. They handle scratches.
  • Polishing wheels. There are different degrees of rigidity.
  • Abrasive paste for polishing.

The last remedy I want to say more.

All polishing pastes, depending on the purpose with which they are applied, are divided into 3 types:

  1. Large abrasive products. Used to remove enamel stains, cracks and scratches.
  2. Fine abrasive. Used to give the car auto shine.
  3. Disgusting. They serve as protection for the LCP.

Polishing abrasive: the features of the process

Before you start polishing, you need to wash the machine properly. After washing, the surface is degreased. For this, both special means and conventional (diesel fuel, white spirit) are used.

Polishing abrasive includes several stages:

  • At first the body is treated with a coarse abrasive paste and a hard polishing wheel.
  • Then a small-tool and a soft circle are used.
  • After that, the machine is well washed.
  • The finishing touch is the treatment with an unabridged paste.

abrasive polishing reviews

It should be remembered that it is desirable to refuse polishing in sunny or cold weather. It is best to conduct the procedure not in the open air, but in the garage.

Unrecognizable can transform your carabrasive polishing. Feedback from those who have already encountered it, indicate its effectiveness. But many note the only drawback - it removes too much varnish, so do it only if necessary. Especially dangerous is the procedure for Japanese cars, because they have a very thin paint and varnish coating of the body. But when the scratches are serious, you can not do without abrasive treatment.