/ / FSUE GKNPTs them. Khrunichev. Roscosmos. Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center

FSUE GKNPTs them. Khrunichev. Roscosmos. State Space Research and Production Center named after MV Khrunichev

Federal State Unitaryenterprise GKNPTs them. Khrunichev, established in 1993 by the merger of two main enterprises of the country in the rocket and space industry, the Salyut Design Bureau and the Khrunichev Machine-Building Plant, was to not only maintain and strengthen the scientific and technical potential in completely different conditions of the country's economy, but also to increase the efficiency of work so that it allows entering the world market of cosmonautics.

Gknpts im Khrunichev


A strategy was developed for the development of the whole sphererocket and space industry, created a special program, which was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, on the reform and development of the defense industry in 2001. In accordance with this, the largest integrated structure was created on the basis of the GKNPTs im. Khrunichev - to develop and create a heavy class of launch vehicles.

The main task of integration was the preservation of allthe already existing scientific, technical and production potential of the enterprise in order to ensure the fulfillment of government orders, which were provided for by the Federal Space Program.

Execution of the decree

In 2007, a presidential decree appearedregarding this federal state unitary enterprise. GKNPTs them. For ten months, Khrunichev worked on the reorganization and merger of four more FSUEs as branches, where the Federal Space Agency and the Federal Agency for Management of Federal Property had a leading role.

By joining as affiliatesProduction Association "Flight", the Moscow enterprise for the acquisition of equipment "Length", the Voronezh Mechanical Plant, and a little later the chemical engineering design bureau named. Isaeva, the presidential decree was executed entirely.

fgup gknpts im m hrunicheva

Building forces

However, in 2008, the GKNPTs them.Khrunicheva received a controlling stake in the Permian company Proton-PM. There, the RD-276 was produced - liquid rocket engines used as the power unit of the first stage of the Proton-M launch vehicle (heavy class). And in 2009 to the GKNPTs them. Khrunichev under the following presidential decree received shares of the KB of chemical automation - the world leader in the development of rocket engines, the participant of absolutely all manned space programs of our country.

This is one of the most modern, excellentequipped scientific and production associations capable of providing the entire cycle of the creation of a liquid propellant rocket engine (liquid rocket engine) both for defense and for science and national economy - this is the Design Bureau of Chemical Automatics. As part of the FSUE GKNPTs them. MV Khrunichev KBKHA it creates the best engines, develops RD-0124A, used as the second and third stages of the newest Russian launch vehicles. The Angara, for example, is launching heavy-class spacecraft into orbit from spaceports of the Russian Federation.

Novozavodskaya street

History and geography

In 2011, a presidential decree was issued, according towhich FSUE GKNPTs them. MV Khrunichev received a new branch - FSUE "Ust-Katavsky Carriage Works named after Kirov". Now the space center includes, in addition to the above, also the RKZ (Rocket and Space Plant), Salyut Design Bureau, ZERKT (Rocket and Space Technology Operation Plant), ZMT and TNP (Medical Equipment and Consumer Goods Factory).

Всего Государственный космический The Khrunichev Research and Production Center has nine branches in seven different territories covering the whole country - these are Moscow and the regions - Moscow, Vladimir, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Arkhangelsk, Voronezh, and now in the Crimea.


This plant was formed in the early nineties andhe was called to work on the creation of advanced technologies for the production of high-tech, high-quality medical equipment, where the priority is equipment and equipment for resuscitation, hyperbaric oxygen and hypoxia departments. For example, single oxygen pressure chambers are created here, as reliable as the entire rocket and space technology. Absolutely unique technological base and successful long-term experience of highly qualified employees in this field allowed in the shortest possible time to develop, organize production and launch a series of unique medical devices, such as BLKS-307, BLKS-303MK, BLKS-301M barosystems.

Эксплуатируется разнообразная техника production ZMT and TNP in military hospitals: named after Burdenko, named after Vishnevsky, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute named after Sklifosovsky, Scientific Center of Surgery of the RAMS, Sechenov Medical Academy, many other medical institutions. High reliability of these products is achieved by both technology and the control system, which is necessary in the production of space technology. This plant is located at the address: Moscow, Novozavodskaya street, 18.

Roscosmos enterprises


Nearby is a factory where they operate rocket and space technology. The main areas of its activities are as follows:

  1. Launching launch vehicles (launch vehicles) at space launch sites.
  2. Here, the Rokot and Proton technical complexes for space rocket projectiles (space rocket) at the cosmodromes are created and operated.
  3. Employees of the plant organize work and participate in them in the overhaul and reconstruction of the SC (launch complexes) at the cosmodromes of Russia (Rokot and Proton).
  4. The construction and operation of the Angara space rocket launcher (space missile system) is underway here.

Plant management and plant management is located inMoscow (Novozavodskaya street), on the territory of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center. The flight test base is based at the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The second flight test base at the Plesetsk cosmodrome also operates in the Arkhangelsk region.

rocket space industry


The Roscosmos enterprises will not be able to work infull without such a high-tech plant, as a rocket-space. Technologies here are the most advanced and high-tech, closely related to production.

Work is carried out in the production of:metallurgical, sheet-stamping, stockpiling, machining, tooling, assembly-welding, aggregate-assembly, galvano-chemical, heat-shielding and paint-and-lacquer coatings, chemical dimensional milling, rubber products, composite materials and plastics-mass, cable products, pneumatic-vacuum tests in all types and more others. Such a wide range of works is provided by the community, where other Roscosmos enterprises are also involved.

All these industries have certificates andallow products to receive the highest class of reliability and quality. At this plant, not only produce products according to finished drawings, but also develop technical specifications, design all technical equipment of existing technological processes independently.

Rocket and space industry

Russian corporation "Roscosmos", whichmanages the entire space industry of the country, was created by the transformation of the federal space agency. And its star path began at the USSR Ministry of General Machine-Building, further, there were a lot of natural reconstructions, integrations with enterprises and scientific organizations that are still in its composition. Most of the space exploration and bold accomplishments occurred in the Soviet era.

Офис "Роскосмоса" в Москве, Центр управления flights - in Korolev, and astronauts are preparing in Star City. Both cities are located directly under Moscow. Roscosmos also uses three cosmodromes: Plesetsk, Vostochny and Baikonur. Successful cooperation with space agencies of other countries is underway, cosmonauts and scientists are working on the orbit of their satellites, working together on the ISS, and Roskosmos is delivering foreigners to the station. The entire rocket and space industry is subordinated to this corporation.

State Space Scientific Production Center named after M. Khrunichev


Soviet period of work of the Ministry of Generalmechanical engineering was truly unique. Russia became a truly cosmic power thanks to the first artificial satellite launched in October 1957, photos of the brave cosmonaut dogs Belka and Strelki spread all over the world in November 1957. Finally, April 1961 came, when the first man flew into space - Yuri Gagarin. It was no less joyful to learn in 1965 that Alexei Leonov was the first in the world to leave the ship in open space. And then went into space the ship "Buran" and the orbital station "Mir".

In 1991, the ministry was transformed intoconnection with the collapse of the USSR and since the head of the ministry participated in the Emergency Committee. Some objects of the space industry were on the territory of other states. The financial crisis prevented the implementation of the old management model with duplication of production and equipment. The Ministry of General Engineering has been abolished. In 1992, the RCA was established (the Russian Space Agency, which was directly subordinate to the government of the Russian Federation with a staff of two hundred and twenty people.

Space tourism

Space research funding was inacute shortage, because an alternative solution to this problem was found. Supported the space tourism industry. In 2001, Dennis Tito, sixty years old, was sent on a commercial basis into space, and then seven more such tourists from among the extremely rich people. The station "Mir" by that time had fulfilled the time allowed for it three times and sank in the south of the Pacific Ocean.

In 2010, construction of the cosmodrome began.Vostochny, and six months later, people began to use the free mapping service - Roskosmos Geoportal. By 2015, the newly created state corporation began to emerge from the crisis of the post-perestroika years. Restructuring was supposed to get rid of the habits of the nineties - the opacity of financing and management schemes, even tenure, which appeared everywhere through the collapse of the Ministry of General Labor. The areas of Roscosmos activity have expanded considerably. In April 2016, the first launch from the Vostochny cosmodrome took place.

space rocket

Main goals

Roscosmos Corporation provides implementationpublic policy, legal regulation, provides services and manages property owned by the state in the field of space activities.

There is international cooperationjoint projects and programs are being implemented, work is underway on military equipment related to rocket and space, as well as strategic military equipment. Thus, parity and superiority over geopolitical opponents is ensured.