/ / The breed of chickens yurlovskaya vociferous: description, photo, reviews

The breed of chickens is yurlovskaya vociferous: description, photo, reviews

Species of chickens meat-egg direction are used inowners of household plots of great popularity. The bird of this species is gaining a good weight. In this case, it also carries a lot of eggs. The breed of this group at the moment there are many. For example, often farmers plant on their farms Jurlovski vociferous chicken.

A bit of history

Inferredand nchicken breed yurlovskaya was in Russia in the XIX century.The researchers disagree about the origin of its name. Some believe that the blacksmith Yuryev took part in the breeding of this bird. Others believe that they are named so because these chickens were in honor of the village in which they first began to get divorced. The fact is that in the Eletsk district of the Orel region, where these chickens are kept since ancient times, there was once the village of Yuryevo.

breed of chickens

With the removal of this bird, the usual local laying hens and fighting male cats were used. At the moment, this breed is considered the oldest in Russia.

Yurlovka voiced chickens: a description of the total

The name of this bird reflects not only its placeexcretion. Nickname "vocal" Jurlovskaya earned for very loud singing of males. The voice of the males of this breed is really very sonorous and spectacular. Earlier, the Jurlovsk bird, among other things, was often used in cockfighting. The winner sometimes even killed an opponent. Of course, farmers do not like such brutal competitions. However, in our days the character of the males of the Jurlovsk breed has remained fighting and quarrelsome.

The Jurlov chickens look very beautiful. Their body is powerful and stately, and their paws and bones are strong. The main features of the Yurlov breed include:

  • long curved neck;

  • high legs;

  • massive pluses;

  • bulky head and small beak;

  • small wingspan;

  • well developed arcs over the eyebrows.

The crest of the chickens of this breed can be either leaf-like or pink-shaped.

Jurlovskaya holosistaya breed of chickens description

Color of the plumage

The color of the breed of chickens is the yurlovskaya voiced most often black in gold speckles. The back of the bird thus casts with silver. But sometimes farmers also breed Yurlov chickens:

  • silver with white;

  • red and black;

  • red with salmon.

The plumage itself in the chickens of this breed is not too dense and dense. The tail is long and magnificent at the same time.

Performance indicators

Breed of chickensFirst of all, farmers are able to gain very high weight. The body weight of adult layers is usually 3.5-4 kg. Petushki this breed can weigh up to 4.5 kg.Yaytsenoskost in the Jurlovsk hens is also quite high - around 160 pcs. in year. Not bad reviews this breed from farmers deserved and for good fertilization. Chickens are derived from 90% of the eggs of these hens. Therefore, breeding them is easy enough. The size of the eggs of the Jurl laying hens is large. They weigh around 70 grams.

About these chickens exists, in addition to everythingOther, and one very interesting story. It is believed that their eggs have a very good effect on the voice of the singers. Previously, artists often drank them before the performances. This legend is connected, most likely, with the vocals of the Jurlovski cockerels.

Jurlovskaya voiced chickens photo

Yurlovka voiced breed of hens: responses of farmers

The opinion of this bird among the owners of household plots was simply excellent. As many farmers believe, bear chickensbreeds, in comparison with many other species, not too many eggs. However, this can not be attributed to the special shortcomings of the Jurlovsk bird. Not too many eggs are more than offset by their huge size.

To the pluses of chickens of this breed, many owners of household plots include the excellent taste qualities of their meat. According to the farmers, it is much more tender and fragrant in the Jurlovsk bird than in broilers.

Despite the good performance of these chickens, they contain owners of household plots more often yet because of the voice of bettas. On this basis, they try and select manufacturers for breeding.

To obtain eggs and meat, these chickens are kept relatively rare because of their serious shortage. Hto grow good producers-males this breed, young growth accounts for keep at least up to 9-10 months. And in a fairly large number. If such atboron is not dealt with, the breed very quickly degenerates into ordinary small courtyard chickens.

Jurlovski vociferous breed of hens reviews

Approximately the same is true for females of the Jurlovsk breed. The bird, started in the plan of selection, starts to carry not too large eggs.

Features of care: barn

The breed of chickens is a yurlovskayaAs already mentioned, not very densely feathered. Therefore, the cold these chickens переносят плохо.It is believed that they are best suited for breeding in the southern regions of the European part of Russia. In any case, a shed for these chickens is supposed to be equipped with a warm one. The bird house needs to be covered with mineral wool, and for the winter it is necessary to install heaters in it.

Of course, for these chickens, as for any other,in the shed should be provided feeders and drinkers. Nases are located approximately at a height of 80 cm from the floor. Make them best from a pole with a diameter of 40 mm. Nests are stuffed on the wall at the level of the roosts.

Design a shed for these chickens in such a way that there are no drafts thereafter. Also in the house you need to equip ventilation. The floor in the shed is covered with a litter containing peat.

Keep Yurlov bird allowed onlyfloor method. Sometimes the young of this breed is grown in enclosures. Cellular method does not contain chickens Yurlov because they have a very active disposition.

Yurlovskaya vociferous breed of chickens photo description

Next to the house is to build a fairly spacious aviary. Yurlov chickens, having the opportunity to walk, are much less sick and gain weight better.

What to feed

A rather high degree of gluttony is what is different. Yurlovskaya vociferous breed of chickens. Photo, pPresented on the page, the massiveness of the body of its representatives demonstrate clearly. The ration for these layers is usually the same as for poultry meat breeds. That is, in the morning Yurlov chickens are given grain.At lunch, the bird is fed with hanks of root vegetables, herbs, vegetables, and bran. In the evening, the chickens are given the grain again. To impose a meal in the trough should thus as much as chickens can eat in half an hour. It is impossible to overfeed a jurlovian bird, like any other meat and egg. Otherwise, the chickens will reduce egg production rates.

Breeding birds

Thus, in the article above, we dealt in detail with what constitutes Yurlov vocal breed of chickens (description, photo, features of the content were presented to your attention). Next, let's see how to breed this wonderful bird.

breed chickens yurlovskaya vocal content

Puberty layers and cockerels this breed comes rather late - at 6months. Chickens Yurlov chickens, unlike many other "natural" species, do not hatch. Maternal instinct they are deprived. Therefore, increase the population of this bird only in the incubator. Mode in the withdrawal of chicks in this way should follow the standard.

Chicks of this breed are born on the 29th day. Best for incubation suitable eggs Yurlov chickens of medium size. For the first time, the chicks are fed with chopped egg, cottage cheese or ready-made “Start” mixture.

Parent flock Yurlov chickens form suchThus, there are 15-17 hens per one rooster. Yurlovskiy males are very active, and therefore this condition must be observed necessarily. If there are fewer chickens in the barn, the rooster is worth planting. Launch it into the room to the hens in this case, usually only in the evenings.

Breed of hens Yurlovsky vociferous, contentswhich, by and large, is not too complicated, has one feature nonetheless. Sometimes in the process of mating, roosters leave wounds on the sides of the hens (spurs). If such damage is noticed, they should be treated, for example with iodine, and sewed. To prevent wounds in the hens from appearing, the spurs of the rooster can also be bluntly filed.