/ / Innovations in agriculture trends and development forecasts.

Innovations in agriculture trends and development forecasts.

As the analysis of the world showsagricultural markets and the agro-industrial complex of a number of countries, then innovations in agriculture occupy a significant part of the agro-industrial budget. Particularly noticeable increase in such costs in 18 developed countries. However, in our country, as it is not paradoxical, funding is declining, and not by stages, but by noticeable leaps. As recalculated over the past decade, funding for programs aimed at developing new technologies and innovative projects in the agro-industrial sector has halved by 1 ha.

Поэтому получается что, обладая одними из we do not increase production by introducing modern technologies, but on the contrary destroy it, and squeeze out of the agro-industrial complex everything that was laid back in the USSR. However, with this approach, all the accumulated potential in the agro-industrial complex, which provided innovation in agriculture, the USSR would quickly decline, which would lead to a noticeable increase in the cost of agricultural products and a decrease in its production.

In addition, innovations in agriculturemeet and another obstacle in its path. This is not the perception of agricultural workers at all levels of new and innovative technologies. And this is not at all surprising, because over the past two decades, the outflow of human resources from the agricultural sector to the industrial sector has not only increased, but also acquired catastrophic indicators. As a result, the majority of people who worked there in the USSR remained in agriculture, and this is also an age component and causes them to completely or partially fail to perceive such trends in the development of the industry. And if you just add the deplorable state of education in the villages, even the young workers of the agro-industrial complex will not be able to adequately and professionally accept all the innovations in agriculture. By the way, this is confirmed by a number of experiments on the construction of agricultural farms using modern technologies with maximum automation of production processes. As experience has shown it is very difficult, it turned out to select volunteers for the implementation of such projects as the “Village of the Future” and similar ones. Since if a person has enough knowledge and a good education, he simply does not want to return to the village, and most of those who wish have a significant lack of knowledge (and not because of dullness, but because of the disgusting education in the village), which does not allow them to immediately take advantage of such project that requires additional training. And in spite of the fact that an audit in agriculture shows the profitability of such projects, they often turn into forgotten or dead-end experiments.

Therefore, saying "innovation in agriculture",You can not only mean the APC and STI who are engaged in development in this area. In order for all innovative projects to be realized, it is necessary to have high-quality and modern financing, strengthen the education system in rural areas, increase its level, and create attractive social conditions to attract the younger generation to the agricultural sector. And only by completing such a set of measures can we talk about the introduction of some projects in agriculture.

The main areas in this area arebiotechnology and technical progress (modernization). Biotechnologies in agriculture are aimed at increasing production in crop production and livestock, by increasing soil fertility, increasing crop yields, improving crop quality, avoiding the processes of degradation and destruction of natural ecological systems and the environment.

Технические прогресс или модернизация equipment and technology aimed at reducing energy consumption in the cultivation and processing of agricultural products. Modernization of production processes, both in the livestock sector, and crop production due to automation, and robotization of most processes, which in turn will lead to a decrease in attracted human resources in production.

It can take a very long time to describe innovations in ruralfarm types and types, but they are all impossible without the minimum conditions that we described above. Therefore, this issue relates not only to private capital, but mainly to the state itself, with its significant support of such processes, agriculture in our country can become one of the main sources of budget revenues.