/ / What is MMM for our people?

What is MMM for our people?

In the mid-1990s, Sergey Mavrodiorganized a private company that initially engaged in simple trade, but in 1994 was recognized as the largest financial pyramid in Russia. The name MMM comes from the first letters of the names of its founders. In addition to Sergey, they were: his brother Vyacheslav and a certain Olga Melnikova. In a relatively short period of time, this notorious company has achieved contributions from the side of about 15 million investors, which have become ordinary Russian citizens.

The activity of this company was not toolong but very successful. After several years of its existence, it was destroyed. Sergey Mavrodi himself argues that this was directly due to the influence of many state structures of the Russian Federation. But a huge number of deceived investors believe that the founders have turned the global scam for their own personal enrichment. Everything, in principle, looks like this. When the budget of the MMM company reached its peak, this financial pyramid unexpectedly for all investors began to gradually collapse. Thus, all the money disappeared in an unknown direction. Many people on the question of what is MMM, answer shortly and clearly - a very thoughtful scam.

This pyramid appeared in 1989.To the question of what MMM is, its leaders answered - a firm for the trade in imported office equipment. Maybe it was so at first, but later MMM (the pyramid, as they will call it after) became the largest company in the entire post-Soviet space.

Around 1992-1994 in all RussianTV channels actively show commercials that explain to ordinary people what MMM is. In this uncomplicated way, its first investors were enticed into the pyramid, who, hoping for the future elegant financial position, were happy to acquire, as it seemed, for a small amount of MMM tickets.

Начиная с 1994 года данные билеты продавались за a thousand rubles, but twice a week the price changed in such a way that it grew about twice a month. Those people who did not have time to buy tickets right away, tried to get them as soon as possible in order not to pay more later. Because of such haste, ordinary citizens simply did not have time to think about their decisions, and Sergey Mavrodi every day became richer, which made him a very happy person.

The shopping scheme was so streamlined that in one daypurely physically did not have time to buy tickets, many residents of Russia. As a result, literally the next day, they again stood in lines. Do not forget that the price of tickets grew at an unprecedented rate, and people still continued to throw away their hard-earned money.

Surprisingly, in just half a yearMMM companies have grown 127 times. But this did not stop investors. Even those people who managed to purchase these tickets for one thousand rubles, decided that this was not enough, and bought more shares, but for big money.

At that moment, the future defrauded investors onthe question of what is MMM, in one voice argued that this is the company that can make their future and the future of their children very successful and rich. Such an opinion will change dramatically after three years, when it turns out that people were simply deceived.

В 2011 году Сергей Мавроди вновь начал organize something like the MMM of the 1990s. To the surprise of many, people began to believe him again. Be careful and do not let the bold way to deceive yourself the second time. Probably, trust in this person should not remain. Just after the time when many people forgot about this great deception, and new potential depositors grew, Mavrodi again decided to earn a huge amount of money.