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Road roller - types and purposes

Reliability, durability and durability of roads to a large extent depend on the quality construction of the road surface. To facilitate this process, apply a special technique.

road roller
To tamp, level, compact the ground orgravel, asphalt or concrete in foundations, as well as road constructions, a road roller is used. The use of special construction equipment is quite extensive - it is industrial, hydraulic, road, urban, railway, airfield construction.

Road roller

The principle of operation and the method of movement for different equipment is different. There is a trailed and self-propelled machinery, static and vibration. The road roller is equipped with specific working bodies.

road roller
It can be steel rigid rolls or pneumatic tires. Rollers, in turn, are divided into smooth, lattice or with special cams on the surface.

Road roller compacts road constructionmaterials through the rolling of their working bodies. The car, moving on the road surface, carries out the process of compaction of the road surface with its own weight. The asphalt road roller is indispensable for construction work on stadiums, for compacting sand and pebbles on roads, for laying asphalt and in small-sized construction.

For some types of work is usedroad roller vibration, capable of periodically produce oscillations of the working bodies. Such a machine is equipped with a hydrostatic transmission, hydraulics control is carried out using an electrical system.

road roller
For the full operation of the vibration functions, the mechanism of the so-called crab course is involved.

Road rollers are endowed with excellentcharacteristics, they are reliable in operation. It should be noted that the own weight of the unit has a certain value when exposed to compacted material. In a number of special construction equipment, there are combined road rollers with sealing organs, which are typical for devices of various types.

Among the roller road rollers, which are hinged shoes on the rim of the roller, there are lamellar, cam, ribbed and lattice types.

For lattice roller road rollers, the working surface of the rim of the roller in the form of a lattice is characteristic, and in the cam rollers on the rim of the roller several rows of cams are rigidly fixed.

Asphalt laying, road construction worksperform mainly on the latest foreign equipment. This is due to the high technical characteristics of this road specialized equipment, its convenience and maximum ease of operation, pleasant appearance, appropriate equipment. This technique confirms high performance and maximum efficiency when working on asphalt pavements, while compacting asphalt mixes along walls.