/ / Nitrous oxide for cars: description, application, effectiveness and results

Nitrous oxide for cars: description, application, effectiveness and results

У многих возникает необходимость в увеличении engine power in the vehicle. This task can be solved using various methods that exist today. One of them is nitrous oxide for cars.

nitrous oxide for cars

Why do you need a nitro system?

This method of tuning became available to all.categories of motorists and can be used on almost all cars. The main reason for its use is the ability to quickly increase the power of the motor, while the reliability remains at the same level, and there is no need to make special changes in the design.

Despite the advantages of use, the engine with a similar addition starts to work in enhanced mode, so the choice of one or another option is made taking into account a certain brand of car. NO2 - This is the chemical formula of nitrous oxide for cars, which is often used as the name of the system.


For the first time, nitrogen was used in aeronautics.in the last century. Just as now, it was used to improve the performance of internal combustion engines. In the car, it was first installed in the 70s. It has also been used as a fuel and oxidizer in rocket monocomponent engines. Many have learned about nitrous oxide (NOS) from films, but still for some its principle of operation remains a mystery.

nitrous oxide is true and fiction

What determines the power

In order to understand the principle of the system, you need to know the main factors affecting the power of the motor.

Adequate Oxygen Providesfull combustion of fuel. Any scheme used to increase power, one way or another associated with a large flow of fuel and oxygen. It is worth noting the main ways:

  • the use of nitrous oxide, supercharger and compressors;
  • use of valves and carburetors with larger diameter;
  • making changes to the camshaft design.

Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, the most effective is precisely nitrous oxide for cars, the price of which is within 40 thousand rubles per set.

An additional factor is intensespraying gasoline. Everyone knows that the ignition of the fuel is possible only when injected into the combustion chamber in a spray form. Gasoline must acquire a vapor form to achieve the required level of combustion, this is possible due to the injection of the injection or thermomechanical effects in the radiator.

The dimensions of the sprayed drops are of particular importance. The increase in power and speed of ignition occurs with a decrease in this parameter.

The quality of the fuel mixture has no less impact on the engine. Full operation is possible only if the appropriate force is atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity of the ambient air.

Naturally, changing environmental conditionsa person cannot do it, but the composition of the mixture may vary according to the needs of the owner. The fuel is cooled the moment it is in the engine. Power increases with increasing density of the structure. That is nitrous oxide for cars in addition to cooling the composition, it can increase the density parameter by more than 50%.

what is nitrous oxide system nos

Operating principle

Система “оптимизирует” поступающий воздух, replacing it with a higher quality blend. A composition having an ideal component ratio enters the motor, due to which the maximum power is formed during the combustion process.

It is believed that nitrous oxide for cars is the fuel. Of course, this is not the case; it represents an additional volume of air, providing more intensive combustion of gasoline.

When using the system without increasingthe amount of incoming fuel is impossible to achieve any result, except for a powerful detonation. Nitrous oxide for cars has some similarities with the usual tuning of the engine - using a carburetor with a larger cross section, improving the piping system, optimizing the supercharger and other additions, which increase the amount of combustible gasoline.

The air entering the engine has enoughsimple component composition: 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen and 1% other types of gases. This mixture causes a chemical reaction, followed by an increase in the amount of oxygen supplied.

Increase efficiency

Currently used a large number ofvarious systems, contributing to the increase in power performance and simultaneous reduction of financial costs. For example, earlier the improvement of the fuel system required large cash and time investments, and with nitro everything becomes much easier. To achieve the best effect, nitrous oxide is first established, the method of mechanical optimization becomes the addition of the system. From this it follows that this option is the ideal solution for car owners who need maximum power at minimum cost. At the same time, the wear of the structure is significantly reduced, as the motor most of the time operates in standard mode.

Making additions to the engine requires caution, whether replacing entire assemblies or individual components, as this may lead to a reduction in the resource of the motor and other problems in operation.

what are the benefits of nitrous oxide


It is worth noting what advantages nitrous oxide has:

  • There is no doubt about the effectiveness andsafety for the car, since the system has passed many tests and its impact has long been known. Thus, if the manufacturer guarantees an increase in the power parameter by 100 liters. with., then it is so much and it increases.
  • Testing is performed in accordance withthese operating conditions on specialized stands. The system is of high quality, the main thing is to choose an experienced installer, since much depends on compliance with the installation rules.
  • This method of increasing power was created about thirty years ago and during this time all possible difficulties in the process of using on a variety of cars have been eliminated.


There are two types of filing composition.The first of these involves the installation of a special plate element equipped with injection channels. That is, a separating plate is installed between the carburetor and the supply manifold. It is used as a port for the addition of nitrous and additional amounts of gasoline.

The second type is based on the use of injection nozzles. They are designed to supply fuel and nitrogen.

Direct feed provides a short-term increase in engine power by 400-600 liters. with. But this, of course, applies to special racing cars, rather than standard cars.

nitrous oxide formula for auto


Installation of the system requires careful consideration.but its setting is equally important. Otherwise, achieving the desired result will become impossible. Starting from a minimum capacity is being carried out, it is impossible to rush here, as this may lead to breakage of some parts.

Do not overestimate the capabilities of the motor.If there is any doubt that he is able to bear the additional load, it is necessary to seek advice from specialists. To obtain the desired characteristics should be observed ratio of N20 and gasoline. By varying the size of the jet and fuel pressure, the amount of incoming nitrogen varies.

The pressure level is determined by a special pressure gauge, it is usually implemented together with nitrous oxide.

The adjustment of the incoming volume is made atthe appearance of gray bloom, black spots on candles and any other signs of detonation. When the slightest symptoms of melting occur on the candles, adjustment is also required, and in some cases replacement of the products themselves. The best option would be elements with a small “skirt” and a thick sting.

Despite the need for thorough testing of all components, this method of optimizing the engine provides an increase in power and does not lead to rapid wear.

nitrous oxide auto installation

Nitrous oxide: truth and fiction

  • Air pollution. Most of the systems under the testscomplies with all established standards concerning the amount of harmful substances contained in the exhaust. They are available in many countries and are licensed. There are also options that can not be installed on conventional motors.
  • The system is harmful to the car. Главным преимуществом является именно no harm to the engine and increased wear. But this is possible only if competent selection of nitro in accordance with the existing car. Each part has a certain margin of safety and, if it is exceeded, naturally, breakdowns occur. In order to get the desired effect, do not forget about the modernization of the intake / exhaust, crank and other components.
  • Nitrous oxide for auto damage catkollektor. The efficiency of the catalyst increases in accordance with the increase in the volume of oxygen in the exhaust, but an increase in temperature occurs in a short period and does not affect the system.

Nitrous oxide: installation

Auto can be equipped with a similar systemwithout the help of specialists, the main thing is to follow all the rules and recommendations. Nitro is implemented with the necessary elements, the standard equipment consists of a tube leading to the motor, a cylinder with nitrogen and a bright button placed on the dashboard, pressing which is enough to increase power.

Nitrous oxide for cars do it yourself installActually, however, compliance with certain established rules is required to ensure the safety of the driver and those around him. The movement of nitrogen in the tube occurs with a pressure of 50 atmospheres, so all the elements and connecting parts of the line must be made of materials resistant to high pressure, and the balloon itself is tightly fixed. It is forbidden to create compounds using glue, welding and other unreliable methods.

The trunk is made of fluoroplastic ormetal. Due to the fact that nitrogen is an active substance, it destroys the structure of rubber, so it is not suitable for use as a tube. Joints are made using fluoroplastic seals or copper nuts; silver solder is optimally suitable for soldering. It is easy to find PTFE, it is sold in large quantities on the radio market and costs as little as possible.

nitrous oxide for cars why

What you need to know

There should be no changes in the tube thickness and cross-section differences on the line, as this will lead to a decrease in the level of pressure, stopping, rapid freezing of the liquid and the formation of an obstacle.

It should be noted that the balloon can not be pastedstickers and repaint. Residents of small towns may have difficulty finding a cylinder and a place where it can be refilled. In megacities this problem is absent, as tuning services provide this service.