/ / New "Mazda 3" (sedan): reviews, description, test drive. How to make tuning Mazda 3

New "Mazda 3" (sedan): reviews, description, test drive. How to make tuning Mazda 3

An updated version of such a car as "Mazda3 "(sedan), was very much expected, especially the fans of the Japanese automaker were waiting for it.If the version of 2006 is still in demand, what can we say about the new modification!

Mazda 3 sedan

External changes

So, if we talk about those changes that the car has undergone, the first thing I would like to touch on is its appearance.

Можно увидеть, насколько преобразились бамперы – now the car looks even more powerful and solid. Hardly anyone dares to call the new Mazda a women's car, and in fact such statements used to sound quite often.

There was a radiator grille and fogheadlights - a useful and necessary addition. Despite the fact that the front optics has undergone slight changes, they changed the appearance of the car quite a lot. Even on the sides of the updated version appeared elegant ribbon lines, due to which "Mazda 3" (sedan) began to look even more presentable and elegant. At the sight of this "Japanese", a confident feeling is created that the designers carefully worked out every detail, even the smallest and, as it sometimes seems, insignificant.

Practical Coziness

Несмотря на то что "Мазда 3" (седан) внешне looks even somewhat aggressive, sporty, it's very nice to be inside. The interior and exterior of the car is always important. A person should feel comfortable, being behind the wheel of his faithful iron friend. Engineers and developers understand this perfectly and put this principle at the forefront. That is why high-quality materials were used in decoration, and all elements perfectly complement each other.

Mazda 3 sedan tuning

You can not be afraid that some little thingsare made in bad faith - all the details are precisely adjusted, and the fastening made on conscience, and at all it is possible to speak nothing. I'd like to point out the dashboard with special attention. It allegedly "winks" the chrome used in its finish, and all the controls are arranged in such a way that the driver can conveniently use them. By the way, chrome inserts perform not only an aesthetic function. They also protect the dashboard from accidental contact with hands. The Japanese thought out just about everything. Needless to say, even the color of the lighting devices turned white, not red (as was the case in the previous version), because it is much more pleasing to the eye.

Spaciousness and spaciousness

In the updated interior of the car "Mazda 3" (sedan)there are many places, but not only it has become more spacious. A couple of words worth mentioning about the luggage compartment. For a car of this class it is very roomy - as much as 430 liters. In the same case, if you need to transport some large items and goods, then the trunk can ... transform. Indeed, it is able to change its size! This can be done by folding the rear row seats. Inside there will be at once twice as much space for things. By the way, another innovation - the trunk can be easily opened with the help of a special touch button located in the brake light. It would seem that these are not so important changes, trifles, but practice shows that such additions make life easier for the motorist.

Strength and power

The new "Mazda 3" (sedan), among other things,became even more powerful. But first of all, it's worth remembering what power units we were pleased with the previous version, the original one. All over the world "Mazda 3" (sedan) exists in eight variations, all of which, of course, differ by motors.

Mazda 3 sedan reviews

The index of the most powerful of them reaches 260horsepower, although most motorists stop after all on versions with 150-horsepower engines. This is some medium variant, the golden mean, which is suitable for almost everyone. And what about the new version? The range of powertrains of this sedan was borrowed by developers in no less powerful hatchbacks. It is represented by options such as a 2-liter engine for 150 liters. with., 1.6-liter for 104 liters. with., and also 1.5-liter on 120 liter. from.

There is no limit to perfection

Это старая и действенная поговорка.Technical characteristics, interior, appearance - all this, of course, interests car owners "Mazda 3" (sedan). Tuning - that's what all the above are usually subjected to, if the owner suddenly found that his car is not good enough. In fact, many cars are subjected to this. And such inexpensive ones as "Mazda", especially often. Let it be distinguished by good running qualities, reliability and durability, something, as many believe, it does not suffice.

new Mazda 3 sedan

Cover for thresholds with illumination, carbonradiator grilles, moldings, spoilers, shock absorbers, struts, air intakes, deflectors, cataphores - that Mazda owners do not only buy to improve the car! Although some of this topic does not care. But what if you want to improve a little car like "Mazda 3" (sedan)? Tuning will come to the rescue, although this is not always a simple procedure. But the process is creative, requiring imagination, so with a competent approach it will not only be possible to improve the vehicle, but make it completely unique, unlike the rest. In general, if you have extra money, then it's better to let them in for professional tuning - after all, the masters know how to do it right. Certainly, some parts can be replaced with one's own hands, but if serious work is planned, it's better not to take risks, otherwise you will have to pay extra.

Roadability and behavior on the road

It is very important that the car "obey" the driveron road. Test drive "Mazda 3" (sedan) was successful, and a test run showed that this is really a reliable car. With the turns, she manages easily, especially if it's an all-wheel drive diesel version. With it, the driver can always keep what is happening on the road under his personal control, no matter how uneven the road surface and whatever the weather might be on the street.

Mazda 3 sedan price

By the way, good control was influenced byABS system, as well as the stability control function. In general, the test drive showed that the car feels confident on the road. Not without minuses, of course - it would be better to improve noise insulation. At high speed, the engine becomes too clearly audible. Many consider this a serious drawback. But, if you believe the promises of manufacturers, this minus other models will be spared.

Operational experience

"Mazda 3" (sedan) reviews gets quite good, althoughthere are also some complaints. In particular, they relate to the drawback, which was mentioned above - noise insulation. If to be objective, then in general this car is a good combination of low price and good technical characteristics. The most correct estimation of the car is four, and many owners consider it the same.

Mazda 3 sedan new price

Of the positive moments, motorists noticeeconomical fuel consumption, assuring that in this respect the Japanese has no equal. If you want to buy a sports car, but purchase of this kind is too expensive, then there is a way out - you can buy a car "Mazda 3" (sedan). Most reviews are inspired by the acquisition of this stylish car with excellent ground clearance and elegant interior. In general, the car only moderately, and this is for many people the main thing. The golden mean has always been in price.


Based on all of the above, you canto present, what is the car "Mazda 3" (sedan). Price - a couple of words should be said about it. If you buy a model that was produced before 2011, then it will come out no more than 780 thousand rubles. For example, the 2006 car with a mileage of more than 100 thousand kilometers will cost 360,000 rubles, considering that it will be almost in perfect condition.

test drive Mazda 3 sedan

Many people are interested in how much it costsimproved "Mazda 3" (sedan). The new price of this car is about one million rubles. So, if there is a desire to buy something newer and there is such a financial opportunity, then such a car will be a good option.