Country of production "Subaru" - Japan, and thisall is said. The automotive industry in the state is developed in such a way that no vehicle with a low quality will come out of a single machine-building plant.
Speaking specifically about Subaru, it's a brandwith a rich history. An innovative company, on the account of which the opening of several technologies, which have become the most important in the field of mechanical engineering. Let's talk about how the Japanese brand developed, for which it is so loved by Russian car owners.
Subaru: Country of origin and history of the brand
Established in Japan, the brand belongs to the companyFuji Heavy Industries (FHI), is engaged in the production of cars and trucks, as well as engines and components. FHI was founded in 1917 by Chikukhei Nakajima as the Nakajima Aircraft Aviation Research Laboratory in Gunma Prefecture. And it is in this place that the main production facilities of Subaru are now located. In addition, Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. still takes part in the aircraft industry, is engaged in the production of industrial equipment.
The first president of FHI was Kenji Kita.This is a man who loved cars madly. He was particularly zealous about everything connected with their production. Hot love Kenji Kiti was a car P-1, released by the company in 1954.
The FHI president is the author of a statement that defines the company's attitude to the production of cars: "If you are going to make a car, you must make it perfect."
Subaru logo and name designation
Since the manufacturing country "Subaru" is Japan, andinhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun with special trepidation refer to the stars, the Subaru logo uses these symbols as the image. When the division of the corporation into several departments began, it became necessary to create the name and logo of the automobile brand. First, Mr. Keith arranged a contest. But he did not like any of the proposed options, and he himself believed that "the Japanese car should have a Japanese name", had to solve this issue on their own. And Kenji Kita did it. Subaru is the Japanese name for a cluster of stars, which translates as "gathering together" or "pointing the way." Actually, thanks to this, I did not have to invent a logo - the picture was formed by itself.
The first cars of the company
Just P-1, released in 1954, and isthe first car "Subaru" in Japan. A year later the model was named Subaru 1500. It was a passenger vehicle. Model P-1 showed excellent driving qualities and perfect handling. In the future, on its basis were created Subaru 360 and 1000.
The "Subaru" 360 model is a "ladybug", like hercalled because of the size. The first available car in Japan for passenger transportation. After releasing it, Subaru made a technological breakthrough, since up to the 360th model in Japan there was no machine that could be launched into mass production, making it accessible to the people.
On the basis of the "bug" in 1961 "Subaru"(the country of origin - Japan) has developed Sambar Truck. This model has an increased level of comfort, meeting all the requirements of convenience for both passengers and the driver. Visually represented a mini-truck with a lower floor and a free cabin, if compared with analogues of other brands.
After Sambar Truck in the same year, the light went outSambar Light Van. Unlike the previous version, this model was suitable not only for commercial use - it was an excellent family car.
It is also important to mention the model Subaru 1000, whichcame out in 1966. Today, its concept to a great extent distinguishes "Subaru" from other manufacturers. On this model, for the first time, a front-drive system (FWD) with a horizontally opposed engine was used. Thanks to this technology, the car is much more obedient on the road, as FWD has a direct impact on handling.
The Subaru lineup today
You can call the true pride of the company suchmodel "Subaru", as "Forester", "Legacy" and "Impreza". The Legacy begins in 1989. This model - the first, which combined the standard equipment and the opposing engine, so it could compete even with Alfa Romeo.
Release Impreza started in 1992.The model was made four-door, body types - sedan and wagon with the features of a sports car. Impreza possessed excellent technical characteristics, it was equipped with a turbocharged engine. But the crossover Forester debuted a bit later, in 1997. His concept was called Best of both, which means "the best of the two." "Forester" is a combination of strict design and SUV (sport utility vehicle).
In addition to "Impreza", "Legacy" and "Forester""Subaru" produced another, no less popular in Russia car - BRZ. This model was designed to be ashamed of Toyota, it combines the opposite engine with a rear-wheel drive. And it should be noted that such an unusual association, created by the minds of the largest Japanese automakers, is incredibly impressive. But Subaru does not stop there. Who knows, maybe soon a high-tech brand will give the world an even more perfect car.
Reviews about "Subaru"
Impreza and Forester broke into the Russian market,eclipsing all other brands. Increased level of patency, high-quality suspension, resistance to various climatic conditions, including severe cold weather, as well as convenience and comfort in driving a vehicle, his "obedience" on the road did their job. Today, Subaru is chosen by many Russian drivers, who have grown fond of this brand for reliability, which is not what every car manufacturer boasts.